It's here! The new, exciting and long awaited 50 things to do before you're five initiative has come to Portsmouth!
Now is the time to share the leaflet (just print it off or pop on your setting website) with your parents and carers so that they can take advantage of the 50 ideas for fun experiences in the Easter holidays. No more rainy day nowhere to go or "Mum I'm bored" moments, because 50 things provides a wealth of active ideas which support learning for our 0-5 year olds in the city.
 So download the app, click on the website and find an experience to take part in. It is free and all of the experiences are no or low cost.
Keep an eye on the Family Information Service social media and do share our posts with your families! You can follow us on Facebook or on Instagram.
 Gemma from our Early Years team and her daughter, Grace took part in Millennium Miles. See their experience here.
Ella from our Early Years team and her daughter, Dilly took part in Woodland Wandering. See their experience here.
Whatever the families in your setting choose to do, they will have opportunities to expand their children's vocabulary, try out new learning, talk about what is happening around them and have fun together!