Southsea Coastal Scheme update

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Southsea Coastal Scheme

Latest news from the seafront

24 February 2024

Frontage three - Southsea Common

Sheets going down!

Sheet piles

Sheet piling is once again underway at the Southsea Coastal Scheme. This time we’re using 2.5m re-purposed steel sheet piles at the site boundary next to the Blue Reef Aquarium. The piles are driven into the ground underneath the precast concrete wall units, which are integral to the primary sea defence here. Completing this part of the works will allow workable access in late spring in the area between Blue Reef to Southsea Castle, as well as starting on the works at frontage three (Blue Reef to Hovertravel).

Frontage five - Pyramids to Speakers' Corner

A step in time

step revetments

Step by step we’re getting there! Great progress this week as we’re almost halfway through installation of the step revetments. This is an exciting element of the improvement to the public area as well as being an essential part of the primary flood defence. The design intent is that this flood defence feature, starting at Speakers’ Corner, will run along the seafront, improving coastal flood protection and creating easier access to the beach.  

Frontage four - Southsea Castle

We've got a chip on our boulder


Within our eco-trail gardens by the bandstand field we’ve re-used granite gun turrets recovered from the old sea defences in front of Southsea Castle. On the boulder in the photo, you can see an image of a Brent Goose set into the stone. Brent Geese famously land each winter on Southsea Common for their holidays before embarking on their long journey back to Siberia. We wonder if you will be able to spot the outlines of other popular animals set into the granite boulders when we open in May...

Meet the team

Spotlight on...Hendrik-Jan


Hendrik-Jan is our marine project manager here at the Southsea Coastal Scheme. He has more than 25 years in the industry working on worldwide projects and is now supervising our rock work. As a child Hendrik-Jan loved playing in the sea and on the sand with toy machinery. He then went on to graduate from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands in dredging technology, project management and coastal offshore defence. Hendrik-Jan has many hobbies and interests which include festivals, travelling, driving, spending time with friends, and listening to live music…especially (and, most appropriately) rock!

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