If you have a child with a finalised EHCP, SENDIF+ then stops and EHCP funding begins.
If this is halfway through a term, you will need to invoice the SEN team for the next term by sending in an invoice number, bank details, initials of the child and the date when the invoice was issued. The SEN team will pay for funded hours (e.g.15-30) at the rate of £10.17 per funded hour. Please send this information to julie.sabiston@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
If the EHCP is finalised after the Easter holidays, then SENDIF+ will be processed as normal and you will not need to invoice the SEN team as the child should be starting school in September.
 Home-Start's Big Hopes Big Future school readiness project offers support to parents and children to ensure preschoolers have the key skills they need to transition to school whilst helping parents establish positive routines. This is a 12 week course delivered by Home-Start's trained volunteers in the family's home. As part of the project, they attend pre-school settings in the city to offer four sessions for parents and children to spend time together developing school readiness skills. Contact Home-Start to find out more information or refer into the project. Email: office@hsportsmouth.org.uk Tel: 023 9273 4400.
 Please find attached the second edition of the Family Hubs newsletter. This is a bi-monthly update for professionals on all things new and coming soon to Portsmouth families, thanks to the UK government Family Hubs Start for Life funding.
 The PSCP are repeating their popular 'Safeguarding Babies' training on Monday 18 March, 9.00am - 1.30pm at Portsmouth Academy Training and Learning Centre. This course is particularly helpful to practitioners working with babies or who are new to working with our youngest age group.
Full details of the course and how to book can be found at the link below. There are only 17 places left on the course, so book quickly if you are interested.