Applications open today and close on Monday 15 January. Please do share the starting school poster with parents of children due to start school in September 2024.
 Children and young people who are showing signs of neuro-developmental needs can now access a tool which can help identify what support a child or young person may need.
The Neurodiversity (ND) Profiling Tool assesses nine developmental strands of a child or young person aged 0-19. This includes speech and language, energy levels, attention skills, emotion regulation, sensory levels, flexibility and adaptability, and empathy.
This will offer an insight into a child or young person's needs and suggest types of strategies that can be put in place to help manage those needs in different areas of life, such as at home, at their Early Years setting, school or college, and in the community.
From 1 July 2022, the ND Profiling Tool has replaced the previous referral process to request a ND clinical assessment. Instead, trained professionals will be required to complete the ND Profiling Tool in the first instance. This will mean no long waits for a full ND assessment (currently at 18+ months) and your child or young person will be provided with strategies to help them manage their needs with the support of family and education settings.
Please find below information about upcoming free training from the Portsmouth Neurodiversity Team regarding how to use the neurodiversity profiling tool. They are offering their first evening webinar to enable more early years practitioners to access.
Profile Tool Training - how to complete the neurodiversity profiling tool and the neurodiversity pathway in Portsmouth.
- 13 November 2023 - via Microsoft teams, 7.00pm - 9.00pm
- 28 November 2023 - Portsmouth Academy TLC - 9.30am - 1.00pm
To book your place please email Neurodiversity 0-19 Enquiries Neurodiversity0-19Enquiries@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
 Layla Riches and Carol Morgan from the Early Years and Childcare Service attended a Careers and Apprenticeship show at Fratton Park in September 2023. They were there to promote careers in the early years sector and routes into the profession. The event was well attended by local schools and young adults with nearly 900 people coming through the doors. Here's to inspiring the next generation of early years practitioners!
 Take a look at the flyer below to find out about school readiness sessions delivered by Home-Start in settings.
 As you know, the DfE's Early Years Education Recovery Programme is a package of workforce training, qualifications, support and guidance for the early years sector to support staff and settings address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the youngest and most disadvantaged children.
This is a vast programme made up of lots of different courses and avenues of support for you, (and your team). The DfE has developed the Early Years Education Recovery Programme options slides at the link below to support you to navigate through the different elements.
The slides split practitioners into three main groups and indicate which strands of the programme each group of practitioners may want to consider:
- new to the sector
- more experienced/L3 qualified
- settings leaders/aspiring leaders
You (and your team), may have already benefited from some of the programme. For example:
- Early years child development training
- Early years professional development programme
- L3 Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) qualification
- The National Professional Qualification in Early Years Leadership
- Experts and mentors programme for group settings
- Childminder mentor programme
- Early years initial teacher training
Remember the Early Years Education Recovery Programme is only being funded until Autumn 2024, so you are encouraged to make the most of the opportunities on offer this academic year!
 Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership are offering free safeguarding training for out of school clubs.
 Professionals and parents can have their say in the new services being offered for perinatal infant mental health at the Family Hubs consultations.
Please share this information to your families where appropriate.
- Wednesday 8 November - Paulsgrove Family Hub (Davies Room), 10.15am - 12.45pm
- Friday 10 November - Northern Parade Family Hub Reception, 9.00am - 11.30am
 Learn about services that support SEND families in Portsmouth
Parents/carers who have children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) up to the age of 25 years old are invited to attend Local Offer Live at Cosham Community Centre on Thursday 9 November, 10.30am - 2.30pm.
This drop-in event brings together 14 community groups and organisations who provide information and advice. The event is hosted in the main hall inside the community centre with a separate space for presentations with local professionals. There is no need to register for a ticket - just turn up!
For more information, visit the Portsmouth Local Offer website.
 Thames Valley Early Years Stronger Practice Hub is launching in Portsmouth. The hub forms part of the DfE Early Years Recovery Service, sitting alongside their expert and mentor scheme. They work with their National Partners the NCB (National Childrens Bureau) and the EEF (Education Endowment Fund) to bring evidence assured early years best practice across the sector, this work takes the form of networks, webinars, blogs, programmes, and bespoke support.
Please see details of their launch event below. If you would like to join the Hub, please click here.
 This year’s flu vaccination programme is underway. Children aged 2 and 3 years old (on 31 August before flu vaccination starts in the autumn) are eligible for a free flu vaccine given as a nasal spray. Those working in the early years sector have an important role to play in raising awareness amongst parents about the annual flu vaccination programme for preschool children. A leaflet for early years providers giving information about the programme is available and it includes details about how to order free resources to display or give to parents including translations in multiple languages.