Climate action - be the change 22 September

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Climate action - be the change

22 September 2023

Response to recent headlines

lady in grey top and glasses smiling at camera

Cllr Kimberly Barrett, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment at Portsmouth City Council, responds to recent headlines regarding net zero. 

Dear Portsmouth

In the face of uncertainty and disappointment, I want to assure you that as a council we have been working hard to transition to carbon net zero by 2030, and will continue to promote sustainable ways of living and working within the city. 

Climate change is one of the most important and complex challenges our society has ever faced. We are in this together, and together we will continue to make strides towards our shared goal of a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come. 

By embracing renewable energy sources like solar panels, and retrofitting buildings with energy-efficient technology, means we reduce the cities dependence on expensive fossil fuels, and lower energy bills for households. In the long run, these measures not only save money but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for the community, making Portsmouth a more affordable and eco-conscious place to live.

Read the strategy 

£20m project for the port

Ferry sailing into Portsmouth

A £19.8m grant from the government will enable a revolutionary green project at Portsmouth International Port. The project, called ‘SEA CHANGE’, will design, build and operate a ‘shore power’ system across three berths. This will allow ferries or cruise ships to turn off their engines as they will be able to ‘plug-in’ and use green electricity.

This project realises the full potential of two new LNG-electric hybrid ships from Brittany Ferries, which will begin sailing in spring 2025. The University of Portsmouth will bring their academic expertise to the scheme.

It will improve air quality around the port, and it is estimated that the system will prevent 20,000 tonnes of CO2e per annum entering the atmosphere from 2027. This is the equivalent to the annual carbon footprint of around 2,500 UK households (source).

This ambitious project reaffirms the port’s commitment to play their part in a sustainable future for the city after signing The Portsmouth Green Partnership Charter in November 2022 and reduce their impact on the local community.

Find out more

Switch on to energy efficiency

man and woman looking at a computer

As the colder weather is creeping in, now is a good opportunity to make sure your home is as warm as possible to save you money on your bills. 

Switched On Portsmouth is here to help!

Our team provides free expert energy advice and can refer you to government schemes. Eligible customers can receive measures such as upgraded boilers, loft and wall insulation, free white goods, free LED light bulbs, and more.

Some people believe this scheme is a scam as it seems too good to be true! Rest's completely legitimate! As part of our energy and water at home strategy we want to ensure all homes in Portsmouth use energy and water as efficiently and are comfortable and safe; and that every Portsmouth household can afford their energy and water bills.

There are a number of different schemes with different eligibility, so look closely to see which ones you qualify for. Criteria examples are:

  • people on income related benefits or income under £31,000, 
  • homes that don't use gas as their main source of heating
  • if you have a council tax banding is A-D

Contact the team today at 0800 260 5907 or visit the website.

Find out more 

A young eco-worrier!

boy in red t shirt smiling

Meet Archie! Despite being raised an omnivore, this young chap made the decision to give up meat for his new year's resolution because he wants to help the planet.

When Archie was nine, his resolution was to become a pescatarian, and this year, he chose to become a full-on veggie! Archie has the support of his family and friends, and although he is in the minority, he inspired some of his friends to give up meat for lent. 

Archie tries to do his bit in other ways as well, like litter picking in his local area. He would like people to be more responsible with their rubbish, and just "put it in the bin" and not litter.

Archie said "it's the little things that make a difference. All of us live on this planet together, collectively our small changes could make a big difference - you just need to keep it simple."

If you would like to share your story about any actions you have taken to help the planet, please get in touch.

Email the team

Funding opportunities


Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

What is it: to support the development of innovative artificial intelligence technologies for decarbonisation applications to support the transition to net zero


Who can apply: organisations of any size and type 


How much: £350,000


Closing date: 2pm,Tuesday 10 October 2023.


Apply here


government logo

Rewilding Britain

What is it: to support a rewilding project that will scale up rewilding on land and/​or at sea, ensuring knowledge and experience gained from this project is shared with others


Who can apply: diverse groups (landowners, sea-users, organisations, communities, businesses etc) who want to work together to develop innovative models to upscale rewilding


How much: up to £100,000


Closing date: 12 October 2023


Apply here

rewilding britain logo

Get involved

parked cars

We want your views

Everyone has an opinion on parking, and we want yours.

We are looking for the views of residents to help shape the future of parking and electric vehicles in the city. We are focusing on electric vehicles as they are a much lower carbon form of transport than petrol/diesel cars.

We have launched two new strategy surveys for parking and electric vehicle infrastructure, to seek feedback on a series of proposals. 

We know parking is important for everyone in the city, so we want to develop strategy that works for everyone.

Have your say before 29 October. 

Take the surveys

charity shop window

Second hand September

In our last newsletter, we mentioned Second Hand September, and its benefits such as saving money and being sustainable at the same time. 

If you're not really sure where to start, then check out our cost of living blog, with eight ways to get you started. 

Did you know there are a group of volunteers who will teach you how to redesign old textiles?

It's easy to be a throw away society but the fashion industry is a huge source of global carbon. Decomposing textiles produce methane gas, as well leaching toxic dyes and chemicals into our soil so it's important to try and do our bit to recycle textiles. 

Read the blog


Around the world in 20 trees

Victoria Park is closed until 25 September, but once it reopens, why not have a look at this tree walk?

Did you know there are 239 tree in Victoria Park with 46 different species from around the world?

Having trees around the city is so important to absorb carbon dioxide, but they also provide a home for wildlife, and help create a city that is healthy, resilient and beautiful. 

We have planted nearly 900 trees since 2021 and have been recognised as a tree city of the world for two years running.  

Find out more

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