Welcome back to those of you who have been off for the summer holidays, and those who have remained open, I hope you have managed to take some time off. It's going to be an interesting term with more information about the new funding entitlements hopefully coming out, and continuing pressures on staff recruitment and sufficiency for some. We are here to help you in any way that we can, so please do come to the early years team if you need any support.
At least summer seems to have finally arrived so let's enjoy the sunshine before Autumn takes hold again!
We hope you all have a great term ahead.
Warmest regards,
Mindy and the Early Years Team.
 The Family Vouchers scheme will be launched on Monday 25 September and eligible families will be able to apply for a £70 voucher per eligible child.
The scheme will be available to children currently below school age as well as students attending college and school-age children who don't attend school in Portsmouth, i.e. home schooled or attending school outside Portsmouth. It is open to families living in Portsmouth, whose total household earned income in the previous month was £1,350 or less.
Further details will be announced soon on how to apply. In the meantime, families can put their names on the list now to be notified when the scheme opens using this link:
Register your interest to be notified when the scheme opens.
We would be very grateful for your help in sharing this information with parents.
 Please take a look at the flyers from Stop Domestic Abuse and share with families.
Up2U: My Choice - for victims of domestic abuse who would like support exploring healthy relationships.
Up2U: Creating Healthy Relationships (CHR) - for people who use abusive behaviours in their relationships.
Up2U programmes are voluntary - it is a choice to change. However, if you are supporting someone who is using abusive behaviours and they are accepting support, but not fully accepting they are using abusive behaviours, please still speak to Stop Domestic Abuse. Key working may be an option to support the person.
There is always the potential to move round the cycle of change with support.
 As the new Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Portsmouth, with young children ourselves, we really wanted to do something to encourage children in the city to learn more about Portsmouth’s rich history and culture. To do this we would love for schools and settings across the city to join us for a ‘Proud to be Pompey’ day on Friday 20 October 2023. We have chosen this date for two reasons. Firstly, it is the day prior to ‘Trafalgar Day’ which is the most important day in the calendar of HMS Victory, the oldest commissioned warship in the world. Each year, on 21 October a ceremony is held on board Victory marking the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, but also the loss of Admiral Lord Nelson, a significant day in the cities history. Secondly, 20th is also the last day prior to the October half term, so seemed perfect for some pre-holiday activities!
As part of this day, we would like to suggest the following:
- Children across the city dress in their ‘best blue’, or something linked to the city, maybe Nelson, the Spinnaker, a Star or a Pompey Player (we think this will be popular!) We plan to give some guidance on some of the ideas that children could use, but also wanted to make this as accessible as possible.
- We will provide some activities for children to take part in during the day, split by key stage - may be colouring or a factsheet to fill in. Children might also want to share their favourite thing about our city.
- We will plan for some visits to schools around the city from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. Where this isn’t possible there will be a recorded message.
- As it is the last day of term, we are also keen to provide some Portsmouth based activities for children to take home to do over the half-term with their families.
We would ask that children make a small donation of £1 as a contribution to non-uniform day, and this would go towards our Charitable Appeal for the year. This year we have chosen three incredible local organisations to support; Portsmouth Hospitals Charity, Home-Start and the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC). We’d be keen to share details of the wonderful work these organisations do within our city.
Of course, there is the chance that your school or setting has an INSET day planned for this day, but children could still take part the day before. We will ensure the activities are ready for you.
Our ambition is to bring the cities schools and settings together in celebration so please do consider taking part!
Lord Mayor Tom Coles and Lady Mayoress Nikki Coles
If you would like to get involved, please email eydelivery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to register your interest and we will pass your details on to the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.
 Take a look at the Neurodiversity Team's training programme for the Autumn term.