Kelly Matthews, the DBS Regional Outreach Advisor for the South East will be delivering two workshops. These workshops are free under the universal offer...
DBS Eligibility Workshop
Wednesday 13 Sept 2023, 6.30pm - 8.00pm, live on Microsoft Teams
During this workshop you will explore the different levels of DBS checks, when an employee is eligible for a check, what regulated activity is and how the DBS Update Service could benefit you and your employees.
DBS Legal Duty to Refer Workshop
Wednesday 4 Oct 2023, 6.30pm-8.00pm, live on Microsoft Teams
During this workshop you will look at the different routes through which DBS may receive a barring referral, when a barring referral should be made to DBS, including when the legal duty to refer is met, how to make a good quality referral, and the consequences of not making appropriate barring referrals.

The DfE's Early Years Professional Development Programme is now accepting applications for January 2024.