This term you will all be making plans to support your school cohort children and their families in their journey into school. You can support transition for your children with SEND in the following ways.
- Discuss transition and any concerns with parents.
Contact school SENCos and Year R teachers as soon as possible to make them aware of any children with SEND. View the school SENCo contact list here.
Invite school staff to visit your setting to make observations.
Refer to the EY SEND Transition tool for guidance around supporting those with SEND. This is available here or visit the resources page of the Traded Services website.
Create a clear written plan for transition in partnership with parents and school. Invite parents and school staff to a meeting to complete the planning format within the transition tool.
Attend the Citywide Transition meeting. This will be on Wednesday 7 June, 4-6pm at New Horizons Primary School where you can talk through the children transferring to particular schools with the teachers and highlight any children that may be of particular concern. Book your place here.
Complete the Portsmouth Transfer Record (for all children) later in the term and include as much detail as possible about SEND and include SEN support plans etc. This years Transfer Record will be sent to you in a bulletin towards the end of May.
 Many of you will have seen the email from the Head of Inclusion explaining that there will not be any spaces at Cliffdale nursery available this September. We understand how difficult the impact of this decision has been for many of our settings. If you had already made a request to the early years panel for consideration of a place for a child attending your setting then please do discuss this with parents and start planning a way forward to support those children, in partnership with parents and the health visiting team. Please do let the early years panel know about the impact of this and how this is going to be managed for the children in your care. It would be helpful to highlight any barriers and possible solutions that would help going forward. Do get in touch with us at EY Inclusion for further guidance and advice. EYInclusion@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
 The Early Years team will be hosting an extraordinary SEND Reference group meeting later in May for group based settings and childminders. We would welcome your attendance to discuss and share ideas on the most effective SEND support for the city. You can find out more about this meeting at the termly briefing on 2nd May or look out for future bulletins where we will advertise and share the TEAMS link to attend.