Help us make the Teach Portsmouth Jobs and Opportunities Fair a success.
The Early Years and Childcare team are looking ahead to May and the exciting opportunities this time of year brings. The team will be attending the Teach Portsmouth Jobs and Opportunities Fair on Monday 22 May from 10am - 2pm to promote a range of vacancies from across the city. We will be reaching out to settings in May, asking you to provide information on any vacancies you may have which we can take to the event and promote on our table.
In the meantime, we need your help to promote the event through newsletters, social media and on your website. We know that parents/carers are far more likely to be interested in the types of opportunities available at the event. We would appreciate any help you could give in promoting the event on your website, social media and newsletters, which in turn helps us reach more people. By working together, we can attract the right people, increasing the likelihood of qualified practitioners applying for vacancies.
The Teach Portsmouth Jobs and Opportunities Fair will be promoting a range of support and site roles in early years, primary, secondary and post-16 settings. Training providers will also be in attendance, offering delegates the chance to boost their qualifications through apprenticeships and short courses. Vacancies will vary between exhibitors but will include jobs such as as early years practitioners, learning support assistants, administrative staff, site managers and others.
The team who are organising the event have put together text for you to use. Feel free to copy and paste it. They have also included an image which you can use on social media too. Thank you for your support in helping us address recruitment and retention of staff in Portsmouth.
Example text:
- Are you looking for a new job?
- Want a rewarding career supporting children and young people?
We're proud to support the Teach Portsmouth Jobs and Opportunities Fair at Portsmouth Guildhall on Monday 22 May from 10am - 2pm. If you are looking for a new opportunity in the city, to support children and young people in a range of support and site roles in early years settings, schools or colleges, then this is the event for you.
You could be supporting pupils as a classroom assistant or working in an early years setting as a practitioner. Meet exhibitors and view their vacancies, get information on apprenticeships and short courses and enrol on taster sessions with participating schools.
Watch short presentations on how to get a job in a school, apprenticeships, becoming a teaching assistant and much more in the Opportunities Room.
If you or someone you know is looking for a job, this event is the perfect opportunity to step into an early years setting, school or college for the first time. To get your ticket and learn more about the event, visit: www.teachportsmouth.co.uk/events
#TPJobsFair @TeachPortsmouth
 The annual citywide transition meeting is an opportunity to come together to share information about children transferring into Year R at school.
Wednesday 7 June, 4.00pm - 6.00pm
New Horizons Primary School, Portchester Road, PO2 7JB
Please note that parking is available on the roads surrounding the school, but gets very busy at this time of day. Entrance to the school for the transition meeting will be through the gate on Portchester Road. You will then be greeted by members of the Early Years team and asked to sign in, before going through to the main hall and break off rooms to start your transition conversations.
Sue Bowler, Early Years Advisory Teacher, will be available to discuss any concerns you have around SEND and Inclusion (from a setting or school perspective), so do seek her out if you have any questions.
 Your opportunity to gain the new NCFE CACHE Level 3 qualification as an Early Years SENCo.
Start date: Thursday 21 September 2023
Venue: Landport Community Centre, Charles Street, Portsmouth PO1 1JD
SENCos across the city can now take part in this professional qualification, developed by the DfE and professional partners and delivered by Portsmouth Early Years Inclusion. You will gain the skills to lead and coordinate SEND practice and provision in your setting and develop your knowledge, understanding and skills as a SENCo. The course offers both theoretical and practical support in becoming a capable and confident SENCo who can effectively support the children and families you work with.
The course includes:
- 12 full days teaching and study time
- Visits to settings and specialist provisions
- External speakers and input from across the sector
- Opportunities for networking and peer support
- Independent professional training organisation.
Award requires successful completion of the course; attendance at all sessions, 2 assignments, completion of a detailed support plan and professional discussions with the assessor.
Price £909.00