Due to the volume of referrals and the length of the current waiting list, a decision has been made that Portage will no longer accept any referrals for children due to start school in 2023 or 2024. Any received will be returned to the sender.
Please note that if a child has met the criteria to be referred to Portage then notifying Early Years Panel is strongly recommended.
If you would like more information, contact the Team Leaders - Penny Ball or Sharon Ensor: penny.ball@portsmouthcc.gov.uk/sharon.ensor@portsmouthcc.gov.uk. Alternatively please discuss with Dr Caoimhe Weeks, Inclusion Services Manager for E.P/Portage/Vi/Hi teams: Caoimhe.Weeks@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
 Take a look at these free Level 2 courses from Learning Curve Group:
 We are excited to announce that after Easter we will be launching our brand new Portsmouth Early Years Training and Development programme for 2023-24. From 17 April our exciting new packages will be available to view and purchase on the Traded Services website ready for September 2023. You'll see specific packages according to your needs and area of focus, more onsite support and a bespoke setting approach. We cannot wait to share what we have planned for you. Keep your eyes peeled for our launch bulletin that will be sent to you all on 17 April for more information.