Parent Coffee Morning
PPV who are at the bottom of the Portsmouth library, run a parent coffee morning every third Wednesday of the month 10.00am - 12.00pm. Parents can get information on the ND profiling tool as well as support and advice from the workers from PPV. Parents can also meet other parents who have neurodiverse children and might be going through the process for an ND profiling tool or who are on the waiting list for an ND assessment.
CAMHS drop-in sessions from PPV
 We have both Facebook and Instagram pages for you, our early years professionals and for families with children and young people aged 0-19. Click on the links below to follow us...
 Partners across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth & Southampton have been working together to develop a strategy to help guide and improve our response to child sexual abuse. They are holding a launch event on 28 March via Teams. There are 3 sessions - you can book your place here.
 The Neurodiversity Team will be running an emotion regulation support group throughout June for families who have children under 5 with ND needs.
 The Protocol for the management of actual or suspected bruising or other injury in infants who are not independently mobile has been updated by the Designated Doctors.
 Sent on behalf of: Katy Willcox, Service Leader Early Help and Prevention (North and South localities and LGBTQ+ Team)
Locality MATS Network meetings continue to be run virtually, once a month in each locality. These are for an hour on Teams.
Can I take this this opportunity again to thank everyone that has taken the time to attend and present at our meetings. There has and continues to be some very useful information shared that equips us to better support our Portsmouth families. Every month there continues to be updates from Health Services, Early Help, Social Care, Police, MHST along with guest speakers sharing information about their services.
The next dates are:
South locality: 14 March 2023, 18 April 2023
North locality: 15 March 2023, 19 April 2023
Central Locality: 23 March 2023, 27 April 2023
In March and April, we have guest speakers that include:
- Annette Groves from Advice Portsmouth You Trust
- Nick Higgins regarding School aged immunisations
- Fran Shaul regarding Family Support
- Marshada Chowdhury presenting the HAF Easter Programme and the new referral process
- Recovery Hub LGBTQ+ Lead, Frank Olliver-Kneafsey
- Southern Domestic Abuse
In addition, we have added a regular section in our agenda for those that want to briefly share changes to their provision or promote new activities. You may want to email the address below if you have any posters/links that you will be sharing.
Please use the email below if you wish to be sent an invite or are requesting to present.
Thank you,
Early Help and Prevention Service
 Don’t forget you can access free PSCP Early Years training on the Traded Services website.
These free sessions are delivered by the Portsmouth Early Years Quality and Sufficiency Officers and provide introductory training on how to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who might be at risk of abuse and neglect in the Early Years.
By the end of these workshops you will:
- Recognise potential indicators of child maltreatment: physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect
- Be able to follow local policies and procedures
- Be able to identify what action to take when you have a safeguarding concern, including who you should report your concerns to and seek advice and support from.
For full details and to book to attend the Spring term session on 22 March click here.
For full details and to book to attend the Summer term session on 13 June click here.
You can send one member of your team onto a session, which we run on a termly basis. Or you can access whole staff training in your setting through our packages.
PSCP also offer training on their website, but please be aware this is training that is not free and you will have to pay for each individual course.
From April 2023 to March 31 2024 Family Support Plan training will be free of charge for up to two people per setting. Further places will be charged at the normal rate of £80 / person / course.
All Masterclasses remain free of charge which includes the FSP Masterclass. There are no limits on numbers per setting but the pitch of all Masterclasses is at a Managerial level, assuming prior safeguarding knowledge.
 Do you have a child or young person with special education needs and or disabilities (SEND)?
The Portsmouth Local Offer needs your help in developing new services for families in the city. They are asking for parents/carers to complete a survey about their experiences of accessing services in Portsmouth.
If you could spare some time, please visit the website for more details. Go to: www.portsmouthlocaloffer.org/survey