We are excited to launch our brand new Portsmouth Early Years Training & Development Programme for 2023-24! Packages are available to view and purchase NOW on the Traded Services website ready for September 2023.
 New for 2023... Our approach this year, is to offer specific packages that you can purchase according to your needs and area of focus from your setting development plan.
There is more onsite support, so that we can offer a bespoke setting approach which meets the needs of all practitioners in your setting. Take a look at the packages on offer below.

To Good and Beyond:
- £250 -

- 1 hour bitesize British Values and Prevent Duty virtual workshop
- 1 hour bitesize whistleblowing and LADO virtual workshop
- 1 hour bitesize teaching children how to keep themselves safe virtual workshop
- Whole staff team training on PSCP (3 hours)
- 2 hour onsite visit (could be used for: safeguarding policy review, safeguarding quick Q&A for staff team, safer recruitment review, effective safeguarding practice).
- £350 -

- Brilliant babies virtual workshop
- Child development 1: 0 - 2 year olds - virtual workshop
- Child development 2: 2 year olds - virtual workshop
- Child development 3: 3 - 5 year olds - virtual workshop
- 4 bitesize virtual communication and language workshops
- 2 hour onsite visit (could be used for: environment audit, progress check at age 2, starting points, observation of interactions and feedback).
- £250 -

- EAL virtual workshop
- SEN Support Plans virtual workshop
- Understanding young children's behaviour face to face workshop
- 2 hour onsite team training (could be used for: understanding young children's behaviour, SEND code of practice, inclusive settings, SEND self-review, neurodiversity and autism awareness, support for new or returning SENCos).
- £250 -

Going the extra mile:
- Junk Emporium (loose parts) virtual workshop
- Theories of pedagogical approaches virtual workshop
- Brain development virtual workshop
- Anti-racism/celebrating diversity virtual workshop.
- £150 -

- Business development skills virtual workshop
- Supervisions virtual workshop
- Staff management skills virtual workshop
- Staff well-being virtual workshop
- Recruiting and retaining staff virtual workshop
- 2 hour onsite visit to support manager (could be used for: joint management observation, 1:1 coaching with new staff, marketing support (social media marketing), recruitment support).
- £250 -

- Communication and Language in Year R virtual workshop
- Physical development in Year R virtual workshop
- PSED in Year R virtual workshop
- 4 bitesize virtual communication and language workshops
- 2 hour onsite visit (could be used for learning walk, PPA support, environment audit or leadership support)
- Any further onsite visits charged at rate of £150 for 2 hours
- 2 hour onsite training for whole staff team.
- Visit the Traded Services website to view prices for schools -

- L2 SEND Course
- L3 accreditation for SENCos
- Accredited SENCo forum (free to all accredited EY SENCos).
- Priced separately -

- Termly provider briefings
- SENCo network clusters
- Annual citywide transition meeting
- Termly getting to good workshops
- Termly PSCP 3 hour workshops
- I spy Ofsted.
- FREE to all in Portsmouth -
Note: All virtual workshops are 2 hours long. Bitesize virtual workshops are 1 hour. PSCP onsite training is 3 hours
 Take a look at the Traded Services website to find out more and see which of the packages are best for your setting. Contact us at EYWorkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you have any queries.
We are here to support you!