If you have information to be included in the next issue of the PEP bulletin, please send your text, image and link by Tuesday at 12pm to pep@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Parents/carers views welcomed on young people's SEND services |
Parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can have their say on the services and support available in Portsmouth by taking part in a survey.
The responses to this survey will be used to shape future services for children and young people with SEND and their families.
The survey will be open until Sunday 26 March 2023. Parents and carers can fill in the survey online or request paper copies by emailing eandsc@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Neurodiversity profiling tool training |
Children and young people who are showing signs of neuro-developmental needs can now access a new tool which can help identify what support a child or young person may need.
The Neurodiversity (ND) Profiling Tool assesses nine developmental strands of a child or young person aged 0-19. This includes speech and language, energy levels, attention skills, emotion regulation, sensory levels, flexibility and adaptability, and empathy.
The Neurodiversity Team are asking you to join a multi-agency training to learn about the new profiling tool so that you can complete this profile with parents.
This training is being delivered in person throughout the 2023 academic year:
Tuesday 21 February 2023, 9.30am - 2pm
The Portsmouth Academy - Training and Learning Centre
Tuesday 28 March 2023, 9.30am - 2pm
The Portsmouth Academy - Training and Learning Centre
Tuesday 18 April 2023, 9.30am - 2pm
The Portsmouth Academy - Training and Learning Centre
Tuesday 16 May 2023, 9.30am - 2pm
Conference Room B, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square
Tuesday 13 June 2023, 8.30am - 12pm
The Portsmouth Academy - Training and Learning Centre
New telephone number The Neurodiversity Team now have a telephone number - please contact the service on 02392 606051.
Children's Mental Health Week - 6-12 February 2023 |
Next week is Children's Mental Health Week and this year's theme is 'Let's Connect'.
Resources You can access a range of resources including assembly guides, class activities and information for school staff. Resources are available for both primary and secondary age children.
Kooth Kooth is a free online counselling and wellbeing support service, available to all 11-25-year-olds in the city. There are no waiting lists or referrals, and young people can sign up anonymously by visiting www.kooth.com.
Find out more information on Health and Care Portsmouth's website, including a short video on how to sign up.
Social, emotional and mental health guidance Guidance is available on Portsmouth City Council's website to help children and young people access the right mental health support at the right time. There's advice for young people themselves as well as parents, carers and professionals.
You can find out where, how, and when children can access support as well as detailed information on areas of concern, self-help advice and contact details for local and national support services. Quick guides are also available for easy reference.
LGBT+ History Month 2023 |
February 2023 is LGBT+ History Month.
To help you promote diversity and inclusion with your settings, the Safe4Me website has been updated with easy to access links to useful resources and websites, including the dedicated LGBT+ History Month website and Stonewall.
This years theme is #behindthelens, celebrating the contribution LGBT+ people have made to film and TV from behind the camera.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023 |
Founded by Siena Castellon in 2018, Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, and organisations with the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent.
The Neurodiversity Team, Portsmouth Education Partnership and Solent CAMHS are organising a free talk by Nancy Doyle from 'A Genuis Within' about how education settings can be more inclusive for young people with neurodiversity.
The session will take place on Friday 10 March 2023 from 1.30pm to 4pm in Conference Room B, Civic Offices, Portsmouth and on Microsoft Teams.
Please email Claire.Mason@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you would like to attend via Microsoft Teams.
Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) webinar series |
Join the Department for Education and subject experts for a series of 60-minute safeguarding webinars. These online events aim to help school staff feel supported in safeguarding children and following statutory safeguarding guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (KCSIE).
All school staff (including headteachers, designated safeguarding leads, teachers, and teaching assistants, governors and proprietors) are welcome to join and listen to experts, who will share their knowledge and experience of the following topics:
Monday 6 February 2023 (4pm - 5pm): Low level concerns This event aims to improve understanding of low-level concerns, including the handling of such concerns and barriers in managing these.
Tuesday 7 February 2023 (4pm to 5pm): Single central record This event aims to improve understanding of the statutory requirements for the single central record (SCR), including potential optional beneficial additions, and guidance on the checking and auditing process.
Wednesday 1 March 2023 (4pm to 5pm): Sexting/online harms This event aims to understanding around motivations for ‘sexting’ particularly in teenage males, as well as providing guidance on handling such incidents.
Monday 6 March 2023 (4pm to 5pm): Safeguarding partners This event aims to improve understanding of who the safeguarding partners are and how they work, particularly focusing on the role school staff have to play in the relationship.
FGM Zero Tolerance Day - 6 February 2023 |
Monday 6 February marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Stop Domestic Abuse is hosting a live webinar on Monday 6 February 2023 from 2pm to 3.30pm to help professionals to understand more about this harmful practice. The webinar will cover:
- FGM as a harmful cultural practice
- How, when, why, where FGM is performed
- The impact on the victims
- Risk factors and how to identify those at risk
- Existing protections in place
- What professionals can do to help
- Q&A
Zoom details Click this link to join the webinar Passcode: 974811
If you have any queries or for more information, please contact Nazia Shah: nazia.shah@stopdomesticabuse.uk
School improvement
Teach Portsmouth Awards 2023 |
Nominations for the Teach Portsmouth Awards are now open! This year, we've updated old categories with new names and introduced three additional ones to recognise even more people. We would welcome nominations for the new progress award, governor's award and early years and childcare award categories. You can now nominate online using the form located on the website. We would encourage those appointed to draft their school/college's nomination using the Word template which can be downloaded from the website using the link below.
Webinar recording: How to write a nomination? If you were unable to attend our webinar on how to write a nomination, a recording is now available to watch on the Teach Portsmouth website.
Host, Frances Soul, independent chairperson, Portsmouth Education Partnership utilised her own experiences from the shortlisting panel in last year's awards to give attendees top tips on how to write the best supporting statement.
Nominations close on Friday 3 March 2023 Colleagues have until Friday 3 March 2023 to complete their nominations. If you have any questions, please email teachportsmouth@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Relationships and sex education event |
On Tuesday 17 January 2023, PSHE leads and other secondary school staff representatives attended a free training evening to impress Ofsted and make their condom demonstrations easier.
Hosted by Portsmouth City Council and NHS Solent, the two-hour event allowed for professionals to come together learn and discuss topics surrounding RSE, relationships and condom efficacy.
Guest speakers Amber Matthews, NHS Business Development Manager, and Gordon Atkins, Health Promotion Practitioner, provided an update on resources available from Pasante and key information for educators to support young people with using condoms.
"I just wanted to let you know how great the training was on Tuesday. All of us were so grateful for the wonderful resources and of course the amazing food."
If you or your colleagues want to take part in future CPD events, please contact publichealthmarketing@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to be emailed about our next event.
Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 |
Did you know that Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 is from 27 February to 12 March? It is a chance to learn more about the people who grow and make the produce we use.
There are loads of great resources and ideas for schools on the Fairtrade Schools website.
This year we want to highlight the links between Fairtrade and climate change, with a focus on three key products: cocoa, coffee and bananas. Find out how these are threatened by our changing climate and how buying goods with the Fairtrade Mark can make a difference.
To see more about what’s happening around the Portsmouth area, click here.
Help parents and carers support you by becoming a teaching assistant |
Teach Portsmouth is asking schools and colleges in Portsmouth to share information about their upcoming event at Central Library (third floor) on Tuesday 28 February 2023 with parents/carers. Over 150 people have attended our 'become a teaching assistant' events to learn more about supporting pupils in the classroom.
Those who attend watch short presentations and hear from staff in the hope of encouraging people to support their school. The Learning Place and City of Portsmouth College will be on hand to talk all things apprenticeships as well as functional skills for those that need English and maths. There will also be an opportunity to view learning support vacancies and speak to the Teach Portsmouth team about progressing in the sector.
There are two sessions that people can attend (10am - 11.45am) and (12pm - 2pm). To manage capacity, people are asked to visit the Teach Portsmouth website and reserve their free ticket! Please share this information in newsletters and on social media. Please use the link: www.teachportsmouth.co.uk/TA
Portsmouth pupil poet laureates |
Do you want to develop a Portsmouth pupil poet laureate in your own school?
The PEP Early Language and Literacy Development Group in partnership with Portsmouth Grammar School (PGS) have put together information about this new initiative.
All schools are invited to a free event on Friday 17 March 2023 from 11.30am to 2.30pm at PGS, where your school's pupil poet laureate can work with others and a professional writer in a creative and collaborative writing session.
Leadership at all levels sessions