It's that time of year again! Please click HERE to complete the Early Years Census for 2023. This needs to be completed by all providers by 31 January 2023.
As you know, we are moving to a new management system for processing the early education funding from April 2023. In order to set you up on this Synergy system we will be asking you to provide us with the details below at the end of the census survey:
- Setting name
- Name of person
- Email address
- Contact phone number
- Job role
If you do not claim early education funding, please put N/A in each of the boxes.
Please note, the census is a statutory requirement for all Early Years providers and childminders who claim Early Years Funding for their children. Please ensure the census data submitted is current and accurate as of the census week (W/C 16 January 2023) as our Early Years Funding income for next year is based on these actual figures.
Non completion of the task may affect your funding this term. Thank you in advance for your timely completion of this survey.