Welcome to November's edition of the Early Years SEN updates bulletin.
Please do come along and talk to Sue, Ella and Hannah, your Early Years Inclusion team on Monday 5 Dec, 8.30am - 5.00pm Civic Offices, Ground Floor Meeting Room 3.
We will be available all day to talk to you, support and advise and answer any queries about SEN and inclusion, including discussing strategies and support, advising on SEN plans and EHC assessment request paperwork.
Tanya Harris-Stunt, Team Leader - SEN team will be available between 3.00pm - 4.30pm to take enquiries around the EHC Needs assessment process and making requests.
SEND specific training
Practical Strategies sessions - These are great opportunities to hear from experts in the field from the portage team about how to implement specific interventions and strategies in your setting. There will be lots of practical tips and demonstrations as well as a chance to try things out and look at resources.
- Are you worried about meeting a child's sensory needs?
- Are they biting or headbanging?
- Are you worried about keeping a child safe because they want to climb everything?
- Or are you struggling to engage them in learning because they are avoiding activities and situations?
Then come to the first session in January - see below:
- Practical Strategies to support sensory needs, 19 January - book here
- Practical Strategies to support attention and interaction skills, 15 March - book here
- Practical Strategies to support visual support systems, 17 May - book here
Neurodiversity and Autism Awareness - 23 February - virtual on Microsoft Teams. Your opportunity to learn more about Neurodiversity in young children. Develop your understanding of identifying and supporting children who may be presenting as Neurodiverse, including those with Autistic Spectrum type traits and/or social communication difficulties - book here
Spring Term Early Years SENCo Network Meeting - Tuesday 21 March - 10am - 12.00pm on Microsoft Teams - book here
Please see the slides from the recent Early Years SENCo Network meeting for lots of up-to-date information regarding completing and submitting any requests.
If you are considering requesting any specialist provision, the EHC assessment request must clearly state this preference and must be received by the SEN team on or before 24 January 2023. (A list of possible specialist placements is included in the Early Years SENCo Network meeting slides).
EHC Assessment requests for mainstream school placements should be submitted no later than Easter 2023 and ideally by February half term to allow time for a final plan to be in place for starting school.
Please submit any Education Health and Care assessment request or direct any queries to the SEN team.
For any queries regarding EHC needs assessment and EHCPs contact: sen.education@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Ordinarily Available provision (OAP)
What does effective inclusive provision look like in Portsmouth?
This document sets out the provision that the local authority expects to be made available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in Portsmouth. Early years is now included in this relaunched and refreshed document.
Local Offer LIVE!
Please highlight this event to your families...
An information event designed to support families who have children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) will take place at Central Library on Wednesday 7 December 2022 from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
This drop-in event allows parents/carers to arrive at any time throughout the day. 14 community groups and organisations will come together to provide information and advice for parents/carers to support children and young people aged 0-25 years old at the event.
The event is hosted on the third floor of Central Library in the Menuhin room. There is no need to register for a ticket - just turn up!
Understanding and supporting children in self-regulation. Based on relational/trauma-informed approaches.
A Family Assist neurodiversity platform is now available. It contains resources, guidance, and information that can be used alongside the neurodiversity profiling tool, which provides a holistic view of a child or young person’s needs, as well as strategies that can be put in place to help manage those needs in different areas of life - such as at home, at their early years setting, school or college, and in the community.
To access the platform, visit www.solent.nhs.uk/familyassist and click the 'Neurodiversity' tab on the menu.
The Neurodiversity Team provide specialist advice and support to families and schools who are completing the neurodiversity profiling tool. The neurodiversity platform is a developing piece of work and the team welcome any comments or feedback. Please email Claire.Mason@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
If you need any support using either the profiling tool or neurodiversity platform, please contact the Neurodiversity Team via Neurodiversity0-19Enquiries@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Learn more about the neurodiversity profiling tool on the Portsmouth Local Offer website.
Sue, Ella and Hannah, your early years inclusion team.
Contact us on eyinclusion@portsmouthcc.gov.uk