Rates of infections are rising rapidly amongst children. Share the FREE Healthier Together app poster with parents to help them to know what to look out for and when to seek help.
Hayley Cowmeadow has left the Local Authority Designated Officer, (LADO) role at Portsmouth City Council. Following Hayley's departure, LADO cover will be temporarily provided by Chas Smith until a permanent replacement has been recruited.
All contact details for LADO remain the same - 023 9288 2500 and the central email LADO@portsmouthcc.gov.uk will remain overseen and responded to as usual.
It would be our suggestion that you inform all staff of the new information and update posters or policies with Chas Smith's name.
We will ensure that communications reach you in due course informing you of the new permanent LADO once they are known.
Message from Claire Mason, Service Manager - Neurodiversity 0-19 service
I am writing to introduce myself as the new service manager for the neurodiversity 0-19 service.
I started in the post last month and wanted to reach out to let you know that I am here and happy to support with the changes in any way that I can. If you have any comments, positives and challenges, that you have faced with change and delivery of the ND profiling tool, please do get in touch with me directly. My email address is claire.mason@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
My team are also happy to support parents and Early Years settings with any queries or questions our team email address is Neurodiversity0-19Enquiries@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Our neurodiversity platform is also now live and contains useful information and resources for when the profiling tool has been completed: www.solent.nhs.uk/familyassist (click on the neurodiversity tab).
Training for the neurodiversity profiling tool can be booked by emailing sharedmailbox.sendstrategy@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Parents can also receive support through Portsmouth Parent Voice (PPV) and the parents support hubs.
The contact details for PPV are: ppvadmin@hiveportsmouth.org.uk
Thank you for your support and I hope you feel reassured that you can contact the team if you have any queries or questions.
The team and I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Best wishes, Claire