Southsea Coastal Scheme update

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Southsea Coastal Scheme

Latest news from the seafront

1 October 2022

What goes up, must come down..


And that’s certainly the case for the working platform around the seaward side of the twin pile line at the west of the works at Frontage One, Long Curtain Moat. 

Last year we spent a cold dark weekend constructing a temporary working platform to allow the 120 tonne crane access to the existing pile line to place the pre cast wall units. Here we are, a year later, a year older, a year wiser (one hopes!) and the walls are in place! And so, down comes the working platform. Where does the time go?!

Oh, I do like to be beside the prom prom prom!

And it’s been a prom prom prom week here this week.

We pushed on with the promenade around the city walls, revealed the Spur Redoubt, made more progress on the promenade approaching Clarence Pier, and big strides with the walkway coming up to the Saluting Platform Bridge. The split levels are now clear to see  – just need to get the wooden seating installed ready for a bit of boat watching!


Defences up

The first phase of placing the rock armour is so close to completion we can almost taste it.  

Once done, our Boskalis and Ovendens team will spend their time taking a few more rock deliveries further west for future work and come back next year for phase two once we have made progress on the eagerly anticipated ‘theatre of the sea’ promenade around the castle.

Looking forward now to a winter wonderland of wall units and walkways!


Please note that we will be working weekend shifts this weekend 1 and 2 Oct.

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