Early Years Bulletin: free online training from from PSCP, SENDIF flowchart, do you have any children whose age indicates that they would have typically started year R?

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Early years bulletin

21 March 2022


Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership are running FREE, online Multi-Agency training: empowering professionals to effectively safeguard children from pre-birth to 3 years.

View further information and dates here 

Book your place here


If you have a child in your setting who you have identified through your observations and assessment as needing additional support to meet developmental expectations, you may be entitled to funding to enable you to support them effectively. If you need additional support to meet the needs of the child over and above Ordinarily Available Provision, take a look at the SENDIF flowchart. SENDIF can be accessed at two different levels depending on need. It can only be paid for children who are in receipt of government funding. The SENDIF flowchart can be used to help you understand the differences and will explain the different processes to apply for SENDIF emerging or SENDIF+. Don’t forget, if you have any SEND or Inclusion questions or training needs, contact us at EYInclusion@Portsmouthcc.gov.uk

View the SENDIF flowchart here


If you have any children with you whose age indicates that they would have typically started in Year R in September 2021, please can you inform the Early Years Advisory Teacher Team (Ella and Sue) by emailing eyinclusion@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.

If the child of this age range is going into Year 1 (i.e. parents have not requested deferred entry into Year R for September 2022) or if they are going to be home schooled in September 2022 we will need to support you in completing the statutory EYFS Profile in the summer term.

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