If you have information to be included in the next issue of the PEP bulletin, please send your text, image and link by Tuesday at 12pm to pep@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Preparing for study, work and life |
National Apprenticeship Week webinars
As part of National Apprenticeship Week 2022, the Southern Universities Network have teamed up with ALPHI and ASK Amazing Apprenticeships to run two informative webinars designed to help anybody who would like to know more about apprenticeships.
An introduction to apprenticeships | Tuesday 8 February 2022, 4-5pm This webinar is suitable for parents and carers, in addition to those working in education, careers, or with young people who would like an overview of the basics of apprenticeships.
New developments in the apprenticeship landscape | Wednesday 9 February 2022, 4-5pm This webinar will provide a brief overview of apprenticeships, advice on how to support students with applications, information on new developments in the apprenticeship landscape, plus an introduction to the newly developed SUN apprenticeship resources.
School improvement |
Langstone Infant School maintains 'good' Ofsted rating
Congratulations to Langstone Infant School on maintaining a 'good' rating following an Ofsted school inspection on 30 November and 1 December 2021.
"Pupils enjoy coming to Langstone Infant School. Leaders consider every child unique. They are ambitious that all pupils will ‘be excellent everywhere’. Pupils rise to these expectations in their eagerness to learn, behaviour in lessons, and friendships.
Pupils’ behaviour across the school is exemplary. Everyone understands the school’s rules and sticks to them. The ‘swan values’, such as ‘gentle’ and ‘honest’, guide pupils to be active and responsible citizens. A recent kindness week has helped pupils understand how their actions can impact others. Pupils are keen to show kindness to everyone. Pupils listen to their teachers and each other, showing great respect. Time is not lost in lessons."
Leadership, recruitment and retention |
Update on Teach Portsmouth learning support assistant campaign |
The Teach Portsmouth team have begun work on a campaign to support primary, secondary and specialist settings in the recruitment of support staff. Before this happens, Teach Portsmouth would like to speak to representatives from these settings to understand four key questions:
- What are the issues around recruiting for a learning support assistant?
- What are the entry requirements/minimum qualifications needed for the role?
- What experience do they require?
- When do you recruit for these types of roles?
We would welcome representatives from each setting to have an informal conversation with us. This insight will allow the team to develop a campaign that meets the needs of local schools and academies in Portsmouth.
If you are able to speak to us, please email teachportsmouth@portsmouthcc.gov.uk and one of the team will come back to you to arrange a follow up call.
Curriculum and CPD |
Book your place at Portsmouth BookFest 2022
Calling all book lovers, aspiring writers, future detectives, poets and music lovers! Tickets are now on sale for this year's Portsmouth BookFest 2022, which runs from Monday 21 February to Sunday 13 March 2022.
Portsmouth Bookfest is a popular annual event organised by Portsmouth City Council in partnership with The Hayling Island Bookshop, a local independent shop. This year there is a wide variety of events, activities and talks aimed at all age groups and interests. Many events are free but booking in advance may be required.
There is plenty for children too:
- Younger children can hear children's author Shelagh Moore read The Plastic Warrior and talk about how it was created at Southsea Library on Monday 21 February
- Older children can take part in Octopus Medicine – young people’s creative writing workshops throughout half term at various locations
- Storytelling with Michael O’Leary will talk place on Wednesday 23 and Saturday 26 February at Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery.
Wave Makers literacy project workshops for adults and young people aged 16 years and older
Making Waves Film Festival have announced a new literacy initiative thanks to funding from BFI NETWORK Southwest. Aimed at people with little or no previous writing experience, the project will deliver a series of screenwriting workshops around the city’s libraries during this year’s Portsmouth BookFest.
A focus on developing compelling characters for screen stories will provide an entry into writing that requires no previous experience. The workshops are free, but participants need to book in advance and each workshop runs for approximately 2 hours.
  The Adventure of Florence and the Mermaid's Tears
People and Stories in collaboration with the Environment Agency, Portsmouth Cultural Education Partnership and University of Portsmouth presents The Adventures of Florence and the Mermaid's Tears. Originally commissioned for Portsmouth Climate Festival and COP26 the hit eco-musical The Adventures of Florence and the Mermaid's Tears returns to Portsmouth in July 2022. Full of evocative music, thrilling storytelling, and interactive fun, it is the perfect introduction to one of the most important climate themes of our age: plastic pollution. Audiences can expect to be surprised, informed, and tooled up for the future.
Fully-funded performances are now available for primary schools (years 5 and 6) and secondary schools (years 7 and 8) in Portsmouth from Monday 4 to Friday 15 July 2022:
- Each performance lasts 55 minutes
- 1 hour set-up in the performance space, immediately prior to performance
- 30 minute get-out time following the performance
- Morning performance start time between 9.30am to 10am (please specify time)
- Afternoon performance start time between 2pm to 2.30pm (please specify time)
- Two performances may be possible within a school, if numbers demand
Places are limited, so we suggest you book now. To enquire or make a booking, please email collaborate@peopleandstories.co.uk.
Kate Williams Jazz Trio workshop and performance |
The Kate Williams Jazz trio is live-streaming a concert at Portsmouth Grammar School on Wednesday 9 February 2022, 6pm - 7.30pm.
The concert will be of particular interest to A level and GCSE music students and an enjoyable concert for the whole community.
The live stream will be on YouTube and can be accessed here.
Portsmouth Historic Dockyard - free family tickets for FSM children
We have had a fantastic offer from the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, who would like to offer all families in Portsmouth with children eligible for free school meals a family pass to go into the historic dockyard including visiting the Mary Rose. We need to get the logistics right in terms of minimising the bureaucracy whilst also ensuring that the free passes only reach those families that are eligible.
We are therefore looking for a small number of schools that would be willing to work with Portsmouth City Council and the dockyard to pilot the scheme, before rolling it out to all schools in the city.
If you'd be willing for your school to be in this first wave, please contact Alison.Critchley@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
EEF effective learning behaviours programme |
HISP Research School are running the EEF's 'Effective learning behaviours' programme from this month. With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pupil learning, this programme draws on the evidence from several EEF guidance reports to support schools in focusing on the development of the learning behaviours of their pupils.
More information about the programme, including a short information video, can be found on the HISP Research School website. A blended approach is currently planned, but this will be regularly reviewed dependent on COVID-19 restrictions and the locality of schools signing up to the programme.
Upcoming courses from HISP Teaching School Hub
Running the room - better behaviour for school teachers Monday 14 March 2022, 2pm - 3.30pm | Thornden Hall | £40 per person HISP Teaching School Hub are delighted to be hosting this talk with Tom Bennett. Tom is the Independent Behaviour Advisor for the DfE and founder of researchEd. Tom will discuss the habits and strategies of the most successful classroom practitioners. This event is for teachers and middle leaders of all phases.
Effective implementation of pupil premium strategy Wednesday 6 April 2022, 2pm - 3.30pm | Thornden Hall | £40 per person An opportunity to hear from pupil premium expert Marc Rowland. Marc is an advisor to the DfE on pupil premium, is a recognised expert and author on how best to meet the needs of children most at risk of underachieving. This keynote speech will help to support school leaders in developing and implementing effective pupil premium strategies. This event is for headteachers, senior leaders and those with responsibility for pupil/catch-up premium funding.
For more information about both courses, visit the HISP Teaching School Hub website.
Opportunity for science programme in year 8 and 9
Schools are invited to join the Engaging Adolescents in Changing Behaviour (EACH-B) research trial, being run by the team at LifeLab and the University of Southampton. EACH-B will involve 50 schools and around 2000 students in years 8 and 9 from across Hampshire, Southampton and Portsmouth. In particular, they are looking for more Portsmouth schools to join St Edmunds, Admiral Lord Nelson, Priory, and Miltoncross who are already taking part. All schools that take part will receive up to £1000 as a thank you for their participation.
EACH-B is a £2.2m high-profile and innovative intervention funded by the Department of Health. Using a randomised control trial it aims to assess whether we can improve adolescents’ health behaviours through a combination of:
- teaching the LifeLab module in school and engaging in a one-day hands-on activity day either at LifeLab or at the University of Southampton campus at Highfield
- specialist training for science teachers in how to have healthy conversations with students
- access to a game-based smartphone app designed to help adolescents sustain a commitment to improved diet and increased physical activity
If your school would like to hear more about taking part in EACH-B, please email eachb@soton.ac.uk to arrange a Teams meeting with your head of science to explain fully what this would involve. The deadline for signing up is Tuesday 15 March 2022 so get in touch soon, even if you prefer to take part at a later date. The team is very flexible and work closely with schools to make sure taking part in EACH-B is a valuable and rewarding experience for your students.
Emotional health and wellbeing |
Healthy relationships workshop
Hampshire Constabulary have evaluated the national and local issues that are affecting our schools and communities and based on our research of data/inspection reports/statistics and surveys. From this we have established a need for some key safety messages, to formulate an offer from Stop Domestic Abuse.
They are offering a free interactive workshop providing education and encouraging healthy debate in a safe environment with specialist workers. The workshop covers the below topics and can be adapted to fit in with your current school timetable:
- Healthy relationships and friendships
- The impact of peer pressure
- Consent
- Inappropriate sexualised behaviours
- Nudes and the law
The workshop duration is a minimum of 60 minutes and a maximum of 90 minutes. Each workshop can accommodate up to 20 pupils. A member of staff does not need to be present, however we ask that someone is available at all times for safeguarding concerns if they should arise, throughout the duration of the workshop.
The workshops are targeted at secondary school years 8-10. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, ensuring that all areas are able to benefit from the offer. To register for your place, please complete the online form.
LGBT+ History Month resources for schools (February 2022)
LGBT+ History Month, founded by Schools Out, takes place every February and this year's theme is ‘Politics in Art – The Arc is Long’.
The following resources are available to help schools celebrate LGBT+ History Month:
Project Orpheus and Prevent update
The January 2022 Project Orpheus and Prevent update is now available. It includes information on:
- Project Orpheus - local engagement
- Keeping children safe in out of school settings
- Safer Internet Day (8 February 2022)
- National Prevent statistics
- Act early – video resource
- Educate Against Hate – Going too far
- Training
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) training and information
Awareness training Marie Costa, Chair of the African Women's Forum will be delivering FGM awareness training on behalf of the Portsmouth Harmful Practices Group. This training is aimed at staff working in schools.
It will be delivered virtually on Wednesday 23 March 2022, 3.30pm - 5pm, with an opportunity for questions and discussion. The training session will cover:
- FGM definition
- Prevalence and reasons
- Risk factors and indicators
- Challenges for the children
- FGM and the law
- Fulfilling your duties
Places can be booked via the Portsmouth Learning Gateway (course code: SCH/22/23).
Information for parents If parents would like more information about International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM (6 February 2022), please signpost them to Safe4me, harmful practices and the NSPCC.
Young people's RSE poll 2021 A survey of 1,002 young people aged 16-17 in England carried out by Censuswide between 29 October 2021 to 12 November 2021, commissioned by the Sex Education Forum, has uncovered that 40% of respondents had learnt nothing about FGM, and a further 25% felt they had not learnt enough.
FGM stands out as one of the topics most likely to be missed out of school RSE with 40% having learnt nothing about FGM. RSE is most effective when parents and teachers both play a role. The complete report can be found here.
Safer Internet Day (8 February 2022)
It's World Safer Internet Day on 8 February, so this a good time to remind junior school staff and parents about the council's Lurking Trolls campaign, especially as former CBeebies presenter, Joanna Adeyinka-Burford, has made some videos specially for us, to introduce the trolls to children and parents.
Please use this copy and image on your websites and in newsletters to parents:
Meet the Lurking Trolls! An army of gruesome characters created to help children learn how to stay safe online
The internet should be a fun, safe space to explore, engage with friends and learn more about the world. Unfortunately children may come across harmful, confusing or even dangerous things online. We want children to be able to spot potential perils online, know what to do if something goes wrong and how to recover from any difficulties or upsets.
With story books, NEW cartoons and a website packed full of troll-tastic tools and tips, the Lurking Trolls can help junior school children learn about online safety in a fun and engaging way. The website is also full of information and advice for parents and carers.
It helps families get talking about online safety, how to stay safe on the internet, and what to do if something goes wrong when you’re gaming, using social media or searching online.
Former CBeebies presenter, Joanna Adeyinka-Burford, is here to tell you more.
Special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) |
Inclusion Outreach Service – Outreach SENCos
The Inclusion Outreach Service has an excellent team of outreach SENCos who are available to provide peer support to both new and existing SENCos across the city. Feedback has been very positive: ‘SENCo support was good for CPD and also wellbeing’.
The outreach SENCos are:
- Cathy Seal – Trafalgar School
- Lisa Bitri – Meon Junior School
- Emma Lamb – Langstone Junior Academy
- Fran Marshman – Langstone Infant Academy
- Sally Turner – Craneswater Junior School
In addition, the outreach SENCos are leading on a range of development work and currently focussing on: developing SENCo circles to increase support and connection for SENCos across the city; and reviewing the Ordinarily Available Provision guidance.
To access support or find out more information please contact Lisa Caine, Inclusion Outreach Coordinator, via: Outreach@portsmouthcc.gov.uk / 02392 606060.
Post 16 and higher education |
New water-based Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity (Outdoors) at ASC Portsmouth
Andrew Simpson Centres are offering a brand new post-16 NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity (Outdoors). This course has been designed for those who have an interest in sports, coaching, outdoor education, watersports or are looking to pursue a marine or maritime career.
Delivered in partnership with Andrew Simpson Centres and Gosport and Fareham Multi Academy Trust, this unique course is a perfect blend of practical outdoors sports coaching and experience backed by classroom-based discussions and workshops.
Those wanting to find out more can come along to an open evening at the Andrew Simpson Centre, Portsmouth on Wednesday 2 March 2022 from 5pm to find out more about course content, practical activities and college life.
To find out more, visit the Andrew Simpson Centres website or download the brochure.
LA updates
 Pioneering support network celebrates first anniversary
As the south coast pioneers of the Mockingbird Programme, Foster Portsmouth celebrated the first anniversary of the launch of their first 'constellation' last month.
The support network brings together up to ten 'satellite' foster families to form a 'constellation' - of which Foster Portsmouth now has three - at the heart of which is a 'hub home' where a specifically recruited and trained foster carer supports all the carers within the 'constellation' by offering support and advice, respite care, sleepovers and social activities.
The model has been shown to empower families to support each other and overcome problems before they develop. It has also shown significant benefits to the lives of children and young people in care by normalising foster care, minimising placement disruption and building positive links with other families.
The HR news information is located on the human resources Google homepage and maintained schools and any academy with an HR Traded Services agreement can access it here.
Further information can be obtained by contacting HR.
Dates for your diary
1-28 February 2022 LGBT+ History Month
6 February 2022 International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM
7-11 February 2022 National Apprenticeship Week
8 February 2022 Safer Internet Day
16 February 2022 Free online Scratch programming training | 3.30pm - 5pm