If you have information to be included in the next issue of the PEP bulletin, please send your text, image and link by Tuesday at 12pm to pep@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Preparing for study, work and life |
Portsmouth Aspirations Week 2022 - building future-friendly cities
How do we design and plan new streets, homes, schools and parks? What is it important to think about - nature, safety, transport, play? As part of Portsmouth Aspirations Week 2022, the council's strategic developments team has created an interactive introduction to urban planning for year 5 and 6 pupils in Portsmouth.
The session explores what we need to think about when building future-friendly cities, the many and varied careers involved, looks at projects in Portsmouth, and invites pupils to design their own future-friendly street.
This session can be delivered in school or remotely by team members from the council. The materials can also be shared with you to incorporate into classroom activities.
To book a session or request materials email: Ellie.Rymer@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Leadership, recruitment and retention |
Specialist NPQ - Leading teacher development (maths)
We are excited to announce that we will be offering a bespoke, maths focussed NPQLTD in conjunction with the Solent Maths Hub. This opportunity is open to all state funded schools and is currently fully funded. This may not continue so you need to take advantage of this now before the funding is withdrawn.
The NPQLTD is for those who have, or aspire to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. This cohort will have a maths specific focus, so it is perfect for your maths lead or perhaps you have an aspiring maths leader or curriculum team in the school.
To take advantage of the funding, this opportunity has a deadline of Monday 17 January 2022. To apply, teachers will need to complete the following:
Register with the DfE (select Education Development Trust (EDT) as the provider)
- Complete the application via the EDT portal by Monday 17 January 2022 at the latest (a link will be emailed to you within three days of the DfE registration)
If you have any issues with the link or the application portal, please email npqs@educationdevelopmenttrust.com for support and also let us know so that we can follow this up.
If you have not had confirmation of your place and think you have completed both steps above, please contact Gemma Fuge (g.fuge@hispmat.org) who will be able to check if your application has come through.
To ensure that we keep track of those that are interested in joining the maths focussed cohort, please email jess.paul@solentmathshub.org.uk once you have submitted your application to the DfE so that we can flag the applications once they come through. If you have any further questions, please contact Jess Paul who will be able to tell you more about the offer.
Volunteers wanted for the Teach Portsmouth Awards 2022 steering group |
Teach Portsmouth are inviting senior leaders to join the Teach Portsmouth Awards 2022 steering group. We are looking for representation from primary, secondary, post-16 and special settings.
Volunteers will raise awareness about the event in meetings with other senior leaders, encouraging as many schools and colleges in Portsmouth to participate in this city-wide celebration. Representatives will also be part of the shortlisting panel to choose the winners in each award category.
Members of the steering group will be asked to attend three meetings and participate in the shortlisting panel on the following dates:
- Meeting 1: Wednesday 9 February 2022, 3.30pm - 5pm
- Meeting 2: Tuesday 29 March 2022, 1.30pm - 3pm
- Meeting 3: Thursday 28 April 2022, 10.30am - 12pm
- Shortlisting panel: Tuesday 5 April 2022 (Time TBC)
If you are interested in joining the steering group or would like more information, please email TeachPortsmouth@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
Curriculum and CPD |
 Primary and secondary science CPD opportunities
The Hampshire and Dorset Science Learning Partnership has a number of great opportunities to get involved in some exciting and impactful CPD in the new year.
For more information or CPD requests, please contact Chris Leat at slp@stgcc.co.uk.
Portsmouth Music Hub updates |
Primary music network meeting for the spring term
Tuesday 25 January 2022, 4.15pm - 5.15pm approx. (via Zoom)
Do you have questions about your primary music curriculum, music lessons, or music assessment? At the Primary Music Network Meeting this term we are giving primary music co-ordinators the opportunity to put your questions to our expert panel of music teachers.
Please submit your questions when you sign up to attend, but if you think of further questions there will be chance for discussion during the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Portsmouth Music Hub launches 5-year music inclusion strategy
Wednesday 12 January 2022 saw the launch of the Music Hub's music inclusion strategy, which aims to set out its plans to develop equality, diversity and inclusion across the Hub and to develop diverse musical opportunities for children and young people across Portsmouth.
"The Music Hub has been fortunate to receive funding from Youth Music to develop its inclusion practice. As part of the process, we have received some extremely valuable thoughts, ideas and opinions from many sectors of Portsmouth's diverse community about what musical inclusion really means. In particular, how children and young people could be supported through music, identifying barriers to musical participation and the genres of music that are the most popular amongst children and young people across the city."
Ruth Morgan, Music Inclusion Manager at Portsmouth Music Hub
The Hub is determined to raise awareness of the city's strong foundation in the arts and culture to inspire children and young people today as well as future generations to enjoy music, experience its numerous benefits and raise awareness of music as a possible career.
Showcasing Portsmouth!
Showcasing Portsmouth! is an exciting cross-arts celebration of Portsmouth for children in year 2 upwards, as part of a cultural collaboration with the Cultural Education Partnership.
The performance will take place on Thursday 30 June 2022, 6.30pm at Portsmouth Guildhall (Places will be limited per school) and will include community songs as well as opportunities for school vocal solos, dance, art and poetry.
All resources will be provided digitally at no cost. There is a planning meeting for all schools wishing to participate on Wednesday 26 January 2022 at 4pm on Zoom.
Soundsational - call for year 6 singers
On Wednesday 16 March 2022 secondary schools from across Portsmouth will take to the stage at the Guildhall to showcase their students' talents in rock bands, choirs and musical theatre acts. This year we would like to involve year 6 students in this exciting event.
Participating secondary schools join forces to form a massed choir for the finale of the concert, and we would like to invite KS2 schools to bring year 6 pupils to sing with them. This will involve learning three songs in school before the event and attending a rehearsal at the Guildhall on the day from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. The show itself begins at 6.30pm, and as well as performing with the choir the year 6 pupils can be inspired about music at secondary school through watching the individual schools' performances.
If you would like your year 6 pupils to take part, please complete the online form by Friday 28 January 2022.
For more information, please contact Catherine.Brentnall@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.

Invitation to participate in creative schools project |
Portsmouth schools (key stage 2-4) are invited to apply for a funded STEAM project working with local artists and marine biologists.
Octopuses & Other Sea Creatures will be a large-scale immersive audio-visual installation, theatre performance, community workshops and creative maker activities running through 2022 in Portsmouth. It is inspired by the 'Octopus Medicine' poems by Becci Louise.
Four schools will have the opportunity to participate in bespoke workshops with artists and marine biologists that will feed into the programme. The bespoke workshops will take place over the spring 2 and summer terms and will offer schools an opportunity to create artwork that will be showcased as part of National Marine Week in July.
To apply, contact Roni Edwards pamodzicreatives@gmail.com by Friday 28 January 2022.
Emotional health and wellbeing |
Attachment Aware project newsletter
The first ever Attachment Aware project newsletter is now available to read, and contains updates and information about the project.
By joining this project schools and colleges receive a range of bespoke support to develop and put into practice relationship-based approaches based on attachment theory. This work compliments and builds on PACE and existing restorative and relational practice in schools. It offers a great opportunity to embed theory - and what you already know - in day-to-day practice throughout your setting.
Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) newsletter
The January 2022 newsletter from the Violence Reduction Unit is now available. The newsletter includes updates from partners in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Youth Commission.
Kooth resources and activities
The return to school in January can be challenging for many students, but it is also a time to look ahead and Kooth is here to help. All of the following are free - choose the option that fits in with your plans over the coming months and reach out to request resources or book an activity.
- Add a link to Kooth.com on your school/college website so your students can quickly access support
- Ensure Kooth posters are displayed around your setting and share our Kooth cards with staff and students to ensure they know what support is available and how to access it. All you need to do is complete the short order form
- Book a live intro to Kooth assembly: tailored to the time available or request a recording (face to face or virtual)
- Request a recording of the live tour: shows how to set up a Kooth account and different features on the site
- Book a sign up to Kooth session
- Book workshops: wellbeing, bullying, anger management, young men, or stress and anxiety (these need to be small groups)
- Book a staff awareness session: to inform staff on how Kooth can be integrated as an intervention within your school as part of your mental health and care pathway
- Book a wellbeing stall: have a Kooth stall at your school/college event
- Subscribe to the Kooth monthly newsletter.
Kooth also offer parent/carer webinars which are designed to help parents/carers understand how Kooth can support their child with their mental health and wellbeing. The next parent/carer webinar is on Tuesday 18 January 2022, 6pm-7pm.
If you have any further questions about Kooth, please email Karen via kdawber@kooth.com
New CAMHS and MHST resources
Two new useful resources have been created to provide information about CAMHS and the Mental Health Support Team (MHST). These are:
Please download or print and share these resources with colleagues who make referrals to CAMHS, and with parents/carers and children/young people.
LA updates
Increasing recycling in schools
Discussions took place last term about how colleagues in the waste management team can support schools in reducing their waste and increasing recycling. Following this, a survey has been created for schools wishing to take part in this initiative.
The waste team will use the data to support schools with:
- Procuring new waste management arrangements through an insight on the cost of various waste collections
- Identifying areas of potential recycling improvements
- Bin signage design, lessons and activity ideas for teaching about recycling and waste
Please complete the survey by Monday 31 January 2022.
If you have any queries, please contact Celine.Purvis@portsmouthcc.gov.uk or Ambreen.Jahangir@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
City Centre North 'green' public drop-in
Portsmouth City Council is hosting a 'green themed' public drop-in event on Friday 4 February 2022, 11am - 5pm, in Cascades shopping centre.
Everyone is welcome to come and find out how several of the council's projects are focusing on a greener, more environmentally friendly environment. Educational activities at the event will include planting with our Landport community gardener, with a takeaway kit to grow at home.
Please contact Sarah.Willett@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you wish to attend or want more information.
You can find out more about the long-term development plans for City Centre North on the Portsmouth City Council website.
New year, new you!
We urgently need more foster carers to provide loving homes for our city's vulnerable children and young people. Foster carers do an amazing job helping children reach their full potential, and you could do it too.
If you are 18+ and have a spare bedroom, then you could foster with us regardless of your age, gender, faith, ethnicity, sexuality, marital or work status, or whether you rent or own your own home.
Our first foster carer recruitment event of 2022 on Saturday 22 January 2022 from 10am-1pm at Portsmouth's Holiday Inn Express, Farlington, will provide an opportunity to talk directly to existing foster carers and to hear first-hand about the rewards fostering can bring.
Join us to learn more about the positive impact you can make to the lives of Portsmouth's vulnerable children and young people.
 We need your views on health and wellbeing
If you're interested in good health and wellbeing for all in our city, you can see the latest Health and Wellbeing strategy proposal from Portsmouth's Health and Wellbeing Board partnership. The strategy proposal prioritises tackling poverty, improving educational attainment, creating positive relationships in safer communities, housing and air quality and active travel.
You can go online to find out what's being proposed and have your say by completing the online survey before 11.59pm on Friday 21 January 2022.
Dates for your diary
17 - 21 January 2022 Portsmouth Aspirations Week Find out more
17 January 2022 Webinar: Teach Portsmouth presents...early years education Find out more
18 January 2022 Maths Hub Network | 3.45pm - 4.45pm Email g.masters@hispmat.org for joining instructions
25 January 2022 Primary music coordinators meeting | 4.15pm - 4.45pm | Book your place
31 January 2022 ALL Portsmouth Primary Hub meeting | 4pm Contact lizlord0502@gmail.com
PEP calendar
The PEP calendar contains dates of events, network meetings, conferences, training and workshops taking place in Portsmouth.
To help make the calendar as useful as possible for everyone, colleagues and partners are encouraged to regularly add relevant dates that you'd like to share. If you're scheduling your own event or training, you can check availability on the PEP calendar to avoid potential clashes with other events.
To add a date to the PEP calendar, simply forward your meeting invite to pepportsmouth@gmail.com and it will be added automatically.
Please note that the email address pepportsmouth@gmail.com should only be used to add items to the PEP calendar. All queries regarding the Portsmouth Education Partnership should continue to be sent to pep@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.