Taxi business support grant (ARG) now live

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Business Update

Newsflash for businesses in Portsmouth

15 February 2021

Taxi drivers: Additional Restrictions Grant live


We have opened an application window for the Additional Restrictions Grant specifically for taxi drivers.

We understand that many taxi and private hire drivers in the city have suffered loss of income due to wider COVID-19 restrictions impacting their trade.

So we have decided to use funding received through the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) to provide a flat payment of £400 to all currently licensed taxi and private hire drivers for each 28 day period (or pro-rata) when tier 4 and national lockdown restrictions have been applicable from 5 November 2020 to 4 January 2021 subject to certain conditions.

To apply, you must be a taxi or private hire driver who meets all of the following:

  1. hold a valid Private Hire or Hackney Carriage Driver's licence issued by Portsmouth City Council for the restriction period you are applying for
  2. be working as a taxi driver or private hire driver up to and including 4 November 2020
  3. be working predominantly from and in Portsmouth
  4. not be using your vehicle to earn another source of income (eg takeaway delivery services)
  5. not have already been in receipt of a COVID-19 Local Restriction Support Grant or Additional Restrictions Grant made available from this or any other council

To apply you will need:

Your Hackney Carriage/Private hire driver licence number

  • it can be located on your badge

Bank details of the account you use for your business

  • This must be the account used for the business (please note no payments will be made into a third party bank account)

Your taxi vehicle registration number (number plate)

  • This should be the registration number of the car you usually drive for taxi driving / Private Hire driving

Your National Insurance number

You will also need to upload a bank statement from the last two months.

There will be further grants available for restriction periods from 5 January 2021 onwards and details of these will be announced in the coming weeks.

If you have any further questions please call the business hotline on 023 9284 1641

Apply here


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