EY First Aid Training & Solent NHS Update

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Early years bulletin

July 2020

First Aid Training has resumed

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, exceptions can be made to the PFA qualifications that staff hold.

The requirement for at least one person who has a full PFA certificate to be on the premises at all times when children are present remains in place where there are children below the age of 24 months. However, if children are aged 2 to 5 within a setting, providers must use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure one person with a full PFA certificate is on-site when children are present. If after using best endeavours you are still unable to secure a member of staff with full PFA to be on site then you must carry out a written risk assessment and ensure that someone with a current first aid at work or emergency PFA certification is on site at all times children are on premises.

New entrants (levels 2 and 3) will not need to hold a PFA certificate within their first 3 months in order to be counted in staff: child ratios, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

This does not apply for childminders as they must already have a full PFA certificate.

DfE guidance: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2/early-years-foundation-stage-coronavirus-disapplications

If you or your staff are in need of updating your first aid training visit the links below. 

 Visit Merdicot at  https://medicot.co.uk/


Visit Tigerlily at https://tigerlilytraining.co.uk/


MESSAGE FROM – NEIL SMITH, Service & Quality Manager – Children’s Therapy Service


Just a quick update on Solent NHS Trust Children’s Therapy Service as we all move towards our new normal and try to best understand and embed the ever changing Government guidance. I want to reassure you that meeting the needs of the children within your provision and in other mainstream settings as best we can remains our number one priority. However, this needs to be balanced with keeping children, their families and our staff as safe as possible.

We are continuing to prioritise our most urgent children which include those with dysphagia, those in need of equipment / adaptations, families where there are safeguarding concerns and undertaking any statutory EHCP work. We are trying to do as much activity as possible remotely via digital platforms and while this has had some success, it doesn’t always replace quality face to face contacts.

There may be some children who we have been unable to access due to shielding, families not wanting us to visit at home or come to clinics and restrictions on placements due to closures. As more children make the transition back to more consistent schooling we will look to be more visible in your settings whilst adhering to guidance as required.

Current NHS guidance makes it clear that all of our staff will be required to wear full PPE if they are expected to be working within 2 metres of a child – which given the nature of our hands on work is necessary. This will mean you may see staff wearing face masks, visors, aprons and gloves and we are aware that this may not be in line with current DfE guidance.


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