PEP Bulletin w/c 4 May 2020

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portsmouth city council
Portsmouth Education Partnership

PEP Bulletin

6 May 2020

If you have information to be included in the next issue of the PEP bulletin, please send your text, image and link by Tuesday at 12pm to

COVID-19 recent government updates

New guidance and advice published

DfE statutory notices

The Secretary of State for Education has issued four notices which will apply from 1 May 2020 to 31 May 2020 to:

  • disapply offences for non-attendance in schools during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, so that parents will not be penalised if their child does not attend school.
  • modify pupil registration requirements so that a child attending a school on a temporary basis because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak should not be registered as a pupil and should return to their usual school once it reopens.
  • disapply the duty on Ofsted to undertake regular inspections of state-funded schools within prescribed intervals. Duties on other bodies to provide a statement of action and relating to the inspection of collective worship and denominational education are also disapplied.
  • modify the duty on local authorities to secure special educational provision and on health commissioning bodies to arrange health provision in accordance with education, health and care (EHC) plans, so that they can discharge this by using their ‘reasonable endeavours’.

COVID-19 guidance and resources for children’s services

The Association of Directors of Children's Services Ltd (ADCS) regularly updates a spreadsheet of published COVID-19 guidance and key announcements from government and/or agencies relating to children’s services. Some of the recent additions include new guidance on early years entitlements, temporary changes to EHCPs and international teacher recruitment.

Download the spreadsheet here.

Requirement for at least one person to have a full paediatric first aid 0 - 5 years age in early years settings

The government has temporarily disapplied and modified certain elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. These temporary changes came into force on 24 April 2020 and will last throughout the COVID-19 outbreak or until government stipulates otherwise.

The changes include (as noted in section 6.2) the requirement for at least one person who has a full paediatric first aid (PFA) certificate to be on the premises at all times when children are present. This should remain in place where there are children below the age of 24 months.

The full guidance is available here.

COVID-19 stories from Portsmouth

Copnor Primary School Year 6 pupils show thanks for keyworkers and teachers

Year 6 pupils at Copnor Primary School have made a lovely video to say a big thank you to all keyworkers and to the staff at their school.

Watch now

Copnor Primary School

News from Springfield School

Some lovely news stories from Springfield School:

  • With the support of staff from the design and technology department, pupils have been working hard to make face-shields for key workers. They are continuing to produce the face-shields to support the requests of local care homes. Read more here.
  • A beautiful rainbow dedicated to the NHS has been created by pupils and proudly displayed on the school fence. They have also been creating news articles and playing pitch and putt. Read more here.
  • An assembly was recently held to celebrate the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moore and reflect upon his achievements. Pupils created colourful birthday cards for Tom with personalised messages inside. Read more here.

School improvement

Portsmouth guidance on reporting and transition arrangements for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in 2020

Draft local guidance is now available which builds upon the information that has so far been provided by the DfE. There are links to the relevant DfE pages at end of the document. The DfE will be providing additional information during the course of the summer term and this guidance will be updated as soon as more information becomes available.

View the guidance here.

Curriculum and CPD

Useful RE resources for teachers

The National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (NASACRE) have shared a document containing links to a range of useful RE resources. This includes online teaching resources, resources to support curriculum development in RE and other additional resources of interest which may be useful for teachers with responsibility for RE.

Click here to view the list of resources.

Free online CPD: Understanding and supporting children and young people who have experienced trauma

A free online staff CPD course about understanding and supporting children and young people who have experienced trauma is being provided by Ian Hunkin of the Delta Education Trust. The first two sessions are available online now and cover:

  • The transformative power of feeling safe
  • Rebuilding trust

Further sessions will be added to the course weekly on a Tuesday and will be found via the same link.

Any feedback on the sessions should be sent to

View the course

Opportunity to enter The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition

The Royal Commonwealth Society are inviting young people to take part in The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, the world's oldest international schools' writing competition which has been running since 1883.

The theme for the 2020 competition is 'Climate action and the Commonwealth'. 

Young people are called upon to use any form of creative writing to consider their position and power in bringing about change, and how the Commonwealth can be used as a tool for positive action.

The competition is open to all citizens and residents of the Commonwealth aged 18 and under and runs until 5pm on 30 June 2020.

Learn more

Funk Format online dance workshops

Funk Format, an urban dance organisation, are looking to reach more young people from local schools, through providing online dance workshops and courses that can be delivered directly through schools.

The online workshops last from 30 to 120 minutes and are delivered virtually via online video streaming.

Click here to learn more.

Emotional health and wellbeing

Help spot the signs of radicalisation

While people are self-isolating and socially distancing due to coronavirus, we will all become more reliant on communicating online. This could increase the risk of young people being radicalised or being drawn into extremism. Counter-terrorism police have launched a campaign to encourage anyone with worries or concerns to visit the dedicated ‘‘Let's Talk About It” website, to help ensure that those who might be vulnerable are getting the support they need. The site has advice on what signs to look out for and how to access help, as well as guidance on staying safe online.

Ramadan in lockdown: looking after young people's wellbeing in isolation

The Children's Society have recently published a blog post focusing on what it's like for many young Muslims experiencing Ramadan on lockdown during COVID-19 outbreak. Read it here.

Public Health England have also written a blog post about staying at home for Ramadan which can be read here.

Special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

SENCO Network Newsletter Spring 2020

The latest issue of the SENCO Network Newsletter is now available to read. This summarises the information shared at the most recent network meeting as well as other items of relevance to SENCOs.

Read now

Oak National Academy: SEND online resources

Oak National Academy's SEND online resources are now available. The resources will provide video lessons and curricular resources for parents and families to use as they wish and will cover the following themes:

  • Art
  • Early cognition and reading
  • Independent living
  • Language and communication
  • Numeracy
  • Therapy

The video lessons will be pitched in the following way: early development (P1-3), building understanding (P4-6) and applying learning (P7+).

View resources

LA updates

Laptops request (for children with a social worker)

In order to place the LA order for DfE laptops the council will be sending schools a summary of the number of children listed who qualify as having a social worker, being either LAC, CiN or CP within their school.

Please can schools confirm from this total number how many will require devices who don’t already have one. Schools should also inform the LA whether Microsoft or Google operating systems are required if this hasn't been done already. Individual tables will be sent to each school to complete.

Due to the LA's allocation there will be some prioritisation in discussion with schools, social workers, LA link co-ordinators and the Virtual School with a clear rationale for need.

Please send any completed forms or queries to:

Proposed school term and holiday dates for 2021/22 academic year

Portsmouth City Council is seeking views from schools on proposals for school term and holiday dates for the 2021/22 academic year. Two options of term and holiday dates are proposed for consultation:

  • Option 1 dates have been agreed by Hampshire schools. View dates.
  • Option 2 offers a slightly different half term break in the spring term, placing this a week earlier than Hampshire schools. View dates.

Schools should email comments on their preferred option of school term and holiday dates to by Friday 22 May 2020. A consultation form is available here. Please note that no paper forms should be sent to the office this year.

VE Day 75 resources commemorate historic event

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day - an unforgettable moment from the nation's history - Portsmouth City Council are organising a series of activities that people can take part in without leaving the house - or even the sofa!

Parents/carers alike will be inspired to learn more about the historic event with a range of stay home street party ideas. The day will culminate in a spectacular light show from 9:30pm on Friday 8 May.

VE Day

Find out more


The HR news information is located on the human resources Google homepage and maintained schools and any academy with an HR Traded Services agreement can access it here.  

Further information can be obtained by contacting HR.

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