Headcount Forecast task - Summer 2020
The forecast task will be available on the provider portal from 24th February 2020. In order to avoid late submissions please make sure that your current log in details are working, contact us at eyfunding@portsmouthcc.gov.uk if you have password issues that need resolving. The deadline for submission is 2 March 2020.
All providers will need to complete the task to claim early education funding for their two, three and four year olds who are registered to attend in the Summer term. Payment will be made to providers in the first week of April based on the information you submit to us.
Please remember:
• Parents must have completed and signed the parent declaration forms before you add children to the forecast task. You may want to consider issuing this form to parents as part of your registration process?
You can still claim funding for children who start after the submission date by adding them to the headcount actual task, which will be issued in April 2020.
In a recent TES article Ofsted said "There is "no expectation" that providers should teach phonics before children reach Reception". What does that mean to you?
Early Years settings should be providing children with rich experiences to develop the foundations of phonic awareness. This is not the same as 'teaching phonics'.
So are your children in pre-school rhymers? Are they skilled in listening for sounds? Are they able to orally blend and segment sounds?
These are all aspects within the Letters and Sounds Phase 1 programme.
Join this workshop & deepen your understanding of how to support children in securing strong Phase 1 skills because "If children are not yet secure with speaking and responding, and the listening skills needed to hear words and tune in, then learning phonemes and digraphs literally falls on deaf ears" Sue Allingham, EY consultant.
To book you place or team member click here.
NEW SEND SURGERY with the Early Years Inclusion Team & Speech and Language Therapist.
Join Sue, Hannah & Vic for the new SEND Surgery, this gives you an opportunity to book a 15 minutes session to discuss aspects of your SEND provision or individual children (with parental consent).
SENCo Cluster (12.30-2.30pm or 6.30-8.30pm) to book click here.
SEND Surgery slots are between 3-4.45pm to book email: eyinclusion@secure.portsmouthcc.gov.uk