PEP (Schools) Bulletin w/c 29 April 2019

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portsmouth city council
Portsmouth Education Partnership

PEP Bulletin

29 April 2019

Preparing for study, work and life

Preparing for life study and work PEP logo

Primary Council of Portsmouth Student Forum

The Primary Council of Portsmouth of Students (CoPS) model has been amended following feedback from Headteachers in relation to accessibility. Changes have been made to the structure and costing of the Forum, including a subsidy from Portsmouth City Council which has reduced the cost to primary schools.

Further information can be accessed here.

Early years                                    

PEP early years
Portage inclusion standard

Inclusion standard gained by two Portsmouth early years settings

Two Portsmouth early years settings have gained an Inclusion standard!  

Portsmouth Portage had supported St Jude's Nursery, Southsea and Twinkle Cottage Nursery, Fratton to achieve The National Portage Association Stamp of Approval. The award is given to early year’s settings who have demonstrated they deliver inclusive early years education based upon Portage Principles and have attended the Portage training.Early Years settings and Childminders (registered with OFSTED) must meet all of the essential NPA criteria and be supported by a Portage representative who is familiar with the setting and the work that they do with children with additional needs and their families.

Portsmouth Portage Team work with families who are bringing up a child 0- 3 years with a SEN or disability and 2-4.5 year olds with social communication difficulties/ASD, teaching parents and practitioners how best to support development, helping the child achieve main developmental milestones and reduce barriers in the child's/family life.

Leadership, recruitment and retention

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Wimborne Schools' federation

On 23rd April 2019 the Wimborne Schools' Federation came into being.  This represents a 'hard' federation between Wimborne Infant and Junior Schools. This means that the two schools will continue to exist as separate schools but will now be governed by one Governing Board and one school leadership.  Carina Jacobs has been appointed as the Executive Headteacher across both schools. 

Curriculum and CPD

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ALNS TES awards

Admiral Lord Nelson School on the shortlist for prestigious awards!

Admiral Lord Nelson School has made the shortlist for 2 TES Awards - The International Schools Award and Creative School of the year.  The shortlist will be announced in the TES on Friday 26 April.

TES editor Ann Mroz said: It is wonderful to see such great ideas and excellent practice emerging from our schools and teachers, especially at a time when schools are under financial pressure. We had a record number of entries this year and the standard was very high, so all those shortlisted should be very proud: it’s an extraordinary achievement to be on this shortlist. 

The awards ceremony in on 21st June at Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane, London.

Support for French

Would you like to develop French in your primary school? 

The Institut-français is offering 6 grants for a one-week summer training course in France. Interested teachers are invited to apply before 04 May 2019.  


D Day 75th Anniversary schools project

The 6th of June 2019 is the 75th Anniversary of D-Day and in association with the Ministry of Defence, The News Portsmouth are planning a project to commemorate this special event.

This is your chance for your class/school to take part.  The project will launch during the week of 6 June, the date of the invasion, and run for six weeks until 8 July.  Schools across the country will share in the momentous events of the time and bring that period firmly and clearly into the hearts and minds of today’s young people.

In association with Johnston Press titles in Leeds, Portsmouth, Preston, Sheffield and Sunderland, The NEWS Foundation is finalising the development of a project package of materials that will bring June, 1944 to life through the pages of the local newspaper!

For further details and registration form see here.  A poster has also been produced for display.

RE Network Meeting

Date : 9 May 2019
Time : 1.30 - 4.00 pm
Venue : The Synagogue, The Thicket, Elm Grove, Southsea

Please note there are still places available for the final session this academic year for Primary Networking for RE.  Following requests from previous delegates we are now holding this session at The Synagogue, The Thicket, Elm Grove in Southsea, where a former Hampshire SACRE member will provide a tour and background of the synagogue and answer questions from the group about Judaism.

Delegates will also need to bring along examples of children's work and RE from the term that has gone well to discuss at the end of the session.

To book and find further details please use link above, or contact .

Emotional health & wellbeing                                    

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Mental Health Awareness week

Mental Health Awareness Week 13 - 19 May 2019

It's Mental Health Awareness Week from the 13-19 May. The theme this year is Body Image. You can access free resources from the Mental Health Foundation. You can also download a lesson plan pack on body image in a digital world for KS3 and KS4 from the Public Health England School Zone.

Advice from DfE following the Sri Lankan terror attacks

The Department for Education has issued advice for educators following the Sri Lankan terror attacks which can be viewed here.

CAMHS courses

CAMHS courses for the remainder of this year can be accessed here.

If you are a Junior school Mental Health lead there is a FREE training opportunity here.

Effective parental engagement - a handbook for schools

The impact on learning of parents who are well engaged in their child’s education has been shown to be one of the most significant factors open to the influence of schools. United Learning has produced this Parental Engagement Handbook help schools maximise this impact. It contains a review of the research literature pointing to the elements of successful practice in this area, case studies exemplifying these from within the Group, and a series of practical tools and information to support parents in working with their children.


Save the Date! Working with Refugees & Asylum Seekers in school

The next NALDIC Hampshire/Berkshire RIG will be held in Portsmouth on Thursday 20th June 2019, with the theme of Working with Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in school, running from 4-6pm. NALDIC is the EMAS national professional body and the event is FREE to attend.

Nadia Potts, from the British Red Cross, will be looking at the national and local context and thinking about the impact of their journey, the asylum process and ongoing points of crisis on the young people and how this may manifest itself in the classroom.

Catherine Paradine and Jessica Blake, from Portsmouth EMAS and our Virtual School, will share information about our DfE-funded project and, more particularly, the innovative use of Pupil Premium funding to support UASC.

Finally, Rebecca Shore, our Every Child a Reader (ECAR) and EMAS Adviser, will look at the challenges of supporting young learners with very little English coming late into the school system and will share some useful intervention ideas and support material to use in the classroom.

There will also be a display from our School Library Service of books to support empathy and understanding for refugees and asylum-seekers within the school (all key stages) and information about becoming a School of Sanctuary, as EMAS are supporting Portsmouth's bid (launching the day before this event!)

The session will take place at the 'Training and Learning Centre', Portsmouth Academy, St Mary's Rd, Portsmouth, PO1 5PF. Refreshments will be available on arrival


LA updates

Twitter account for Portsmouth Educational Psychology

Portsmouth Psychology Team now have a Twitter account! Please follow us @PortsmouthEPs to find out more about what we do, hear about new projects and strategies within the city and access up-to-date resources and research. Also feel free to tag us in any posts or interesting events going on and we'll aim to retweet them where possible.

May School Census - Thursday 16 May 2019

LA deadline is Thursday 23rd May. Please ensure that you meet this deadline to enable the detailed post census data checking reports to be created and sent back to you. These reports will help you to validate your data to ensure its accuracy. If you cannot submit on time please contact us ASAP. Academies that purchase EIS SLA, please send a copy of your school census to the LA via SSE and inform us when it is there.

All schools must have an approved return on COLLECT by Wednesday 12th June. After this time you may still be required to make changes to your census until early July.

For further information please call 02392431078 or email

Newly appointed Portsmouth Local Authority Designated Officer

Portsmouth City Council would like to welcome Hayley Cowmeadow as the new Portsmouth LADO.

Hayley Cowmeadow has over 25 years’ experience in social work, predominantly in local authority safeguarding, assessing children with complex needs.

Hayley's previous role within Portsmouth City Council was as an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) where she worked to scrutinise the Local Authority’s Care Plan for children who are Looked After by the Local Authority and listen to the views of the child to ensure their plans are legally compliant and in the child’s best interest.

Hayley confidentially provides advice and guidance to HR, Education, Health and other professional colleagues regarding concerns for children relating to persons of concern in a position of trust.

If you require further information or you have a concern regarding a person in a position of trust, then please do not hesitate to contact the LADO on 02392 882500 or send an email to


Easier access to payslips for school staff

As you should all be aware we have now turned off paper payslips from 31st March and enabled all staff to have an EBS self-service account to access their payslip, P60 and basic HR details using any internet enabled device (including your own personal devices). This will allow you to personally update your HR details and bank details if they change in the future, as well as view your payslip 48 hours before you get paid.

Further details on how to access this facility is shown on the links below.

EBS self-service can be accessed via the login page:

Full details of how to login to EBS can be found here.

If you are still having difficulty accessing EBS after following the instructions then please call EBS help line on 02392 841362.

PEP resources

We've created a section on the PEP website where resources can be hosted and shared. It's password protected and ready to host your resources - the password is PEPMEMBER.

Please forward any resources e.g. policies, templates, curriculum resources, planning documents to indicating which area (s) you would like them uploaded to.

Dates for your diary

LA Heads Breakfast Briefing
9 May 2019 : 8.00 - 9.30 am
Conference Room A, Civic Offices

School Organisation Workshop - FREE
10 May 2019 : 9.30 - 11.45 am
Book via Portsmouth Learning Gateway

Portsmouth Careers & Apprenticeship Show
15 May 2019 : Portsmouth Football Club
Register your interest

Portsmouth EMAS Conference flyer
21 May 2019 : 1 - 4.30 pm
Book via Portsmouth Learning Gateway

Phonics & Early Reading Showcase Event flyer
Thursday 23rd May 2019 : 9 am – 12.30 pm
Springhill Catholic Primary School, Southampton
Guest speaker : Gill Jones, HMI, Ofsted Deputy Director of Early Education

Aspirations Week
20 - 24 January 2020

PEP calendar

For dates of all events, network meetings, conferences, training and workshops taking place in Portsmouth, please go to the PEP calendar

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