PFCC Weekly Newsletter 13th October 2023

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Latest news from PFCC Roger Hirst - 13th October 2023

PFCC Essex Mediation Restorative Service wins a prestigious Lord Ferrers Award.

PFCC Essex Restorative Mediation Service Wins Prestigious Lord Ferrers Award

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s Essex Restorative Mediation Service (ERMS) has won a prestigious award at a ceremony held yesterday (Thursday 12th October) at Buckingham Palace.

Run every year, the Lord Ferrers Awards commends outstanding contributions to volunteering in policing in a range of categories, including Police and Crime Commissioner volunteers who demonstrate a significant and sustained contribution to policing.

Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst said: “I am hugely proud of the ERMS team and our volunteers for receiving the Lord Ferrers Volunteer of the Year Award.

“The role they play in helping to provide mediation between victims and offenders makes a real difference by helping the responsible person to recognise the impact of their actions by putting a face to their crime.

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Essex PFCC supporting Hate Crime Awareness Week by spreading the H.O.P.E message across platforms to raise awareness.

Essex PFCC supports national hate crime awareness week #NATIONALHCAW

“Hate crime has no place in Essex and I encourage all victims of such crimes to report the incident and seek any help they need from one of the various organisations who are able to assist.”

That’s the message from Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex at the start of National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023 #NationalHCAW.

This year, the focus of the campaign will be looking ahead to a year of action that will spread a message of H.O.P.E through; raising Hate crime awareness, improving Operational responses, Preventing hate crime and Engaging communities.

The campaign will also highlight taking a stand against faith hate crime.

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Firefighters from Blue Watch in Loughton were recognised for their life saving actions last night at a presentation.

Firefighters from Blue Watch in Loughton were recognised for their life saving actions last night (10 October) at a special presentation held at Loughton Fire Station.

Watch Manager Marc Lemon, Firefighter Andrew Black, Firefighter Michael Tyrrell Price, Firefighter Michael Talbot and Firefighter Steven White were all awarded Chief Fire Officer Commendations from Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive Rick Hylton.

Last year, on Wednesday 22 November 2022, they saved a 16-month-old baby’s life after he started having a seizure in the back of his mum’s car.

“I am extremely proud of the crews for the actions they took during the incident.”

Max’s father, Rob Draper thanked the crews for their work, he said: “I would like to pass on my thanks and praise to the firefighters at Loughton Station.

"Your firefighters immediately reacted and took control and helped my wife and son. For this I will always be grateful and thankful.”

Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive Rick Hylton presented the crews with the awards on the night. He said: “I am very proud to be presenting this award to each and every one of you. You all undertook your duties in a quick, calm and professional manner during a time critical situation. You are a credit to yourself and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.”

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming PFCC District Public Meetings - everyone welcome - find out more at Events Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Tendring Public Meeting - 25th October  7pm to 8pm - venue Committee Room, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1SE

Braintree Public Meeting - 22nd November 7pm to 8pm - venue Braintree Town Hall Fairfield Road, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3YG