We are excited to announce the highly anticipated shortlist for the 5th Annual Analysis in Government (AiG) Awards.
Head of the Analysis Function (AF), Professor Sir Ian Diamond told us:
“We would like to thank everyone who submitted a nomination for this year’s AiG Awards. We received more than 130 nominations, showcasing the diverse range of departments and professions within the AF, highlighting the extensive and exceptional analysis carried out across the government over the past year."
Award categories
The Collaboration Award recognises collaboration between teams, departments, other professions and/or external organisations/researchers to deliver a piece of analysis or analytical project.
The shortlisted entries are:
“Access to Green space in England” official statistic in development – Access to Green space in England team, Department
for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)
Awesome collaboration while forecasting £billions of student loans – Student Finance Modelling Unit, Department for Education (DfE)
Childcare Deserts and Oases – Early Years Data and Analysis Team, Ofsted
Delivering a Monitoring System for the GSS Vision – Government Statistical Service (GSS) Vision Metrics Group, Office for National Statistics (ONS)
PIP Model Office Evaluation – Lucy Groves, Will Brewin, Letizia Tanzi, Gursharan Gill, Gabriel Cramer, Olivia Brown, Department for Work & Pensions (DWP)
The Top75 Programme: Great framework and beyond! – Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) Analysts supporting the Top75 Service Team, Cabinet Office
The Communication Award recognises clear and successful presentation and dissemination of analysis using commentary, visualisations, interactives, social media and so on.
The shortlisted entries are:
Health trends in England – Public Health Analytical Product Development team, Department for Health & Social Care (DHSC)
Improving how we communicate uncertainty in smoking statistics – ONS Population Health Monitoring Group, ONS
Northern Ireland Programme for Government Wellbeing Framework – PfG Wellbeing Framework Development team, Northern Ireland Executive
Launching Explore Local Statistics Beta service – Explore Subnational Statistics team, ONS
National Fingertips webinar programme – Fingertips webinars team, DHSC
NI Civil Contingencies Risk Register – Analytical Unit, The Executive Office (NICS), Northern Ireland Executive
Transport in Numbers – StatsAID team, Department for Transport (DfT)
The Impact Award recognises analysis which has had a positive impact, influenced decision-making and/or contributed to public debate.
The shortlisted entries are:
Changing our understanding of the impact of Contracted Employment Support – Contracted Employment Analysis, DWP
Domestic Abuse Dashboard – Domestic Abuse Analysis Team, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Living England open data sharing – Living England team, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA), Natural England
Make Work Pay analysis – Employment Rights Analysis Team, Department for Business and Trade (DBT)
Maritime Decarbonisation Strategy Analysis – Maritime Environment Analysis team, DfT
The impact of ONS Local – ONS Local team, ONS
The Inclusion Award recognises an outstanding contribution in making the Analysis Function a more inclusive Function, reflective of the citizens we serve or an outstanding contribution in producing analysis on diversity or inclusion.
The shortlisted entries are:
A new network who has provided impact in only six months to various Civil Servants – Black Analyst Forum, Department for Energy, Security & Net Zero (DESNZ)
Access to local amenities in England and Wales: October 2024 – Access to Amenities team, ONS
Make Working at HMRC Work for Everyone survey – HMRC’s National Neurodiversity Network project team, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
UK Veterans Survey – Charlotte Bateson, Hayley Forrest, Hannah Willmett, Trudy Hill, Helen Banks, Esme Hookway, Courtney Cox, ONS
Innovative Methods
This award recognises innovative methods of analysis, including innovative analytical methods and techniques used, and/or methods which led to new insight, answered complex questions, or improved efficiency.
The shortlisted entries are:
AI Predicted Historic Woodlands – Data Science Unit, Welsh Government
BOLD Programme – BOLD Programme team, Ministry of Justice (MoJ)
Exploiting Universal Credit data to estimate the time it takes to complete DWP processes – The Work Study Analysis Team, DWP
Fraud DNA – RIS Preventive Risking – Fraud DNA Team, HMRC
How do firms cope with economic shocks in real time? – Christina Palmou, Jakob Schneebacher, Thiemo Fetzer, ONS
Inclusive Wealth and Income Accounts – Inclusive Wealth and Income Team, ONS
Innovative horizon scanning identifies the science and technology of the future – Discovery analytics team, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
The Professor Sir Ian Diamond Rising Star Award
The Professor Sir Ian Diamond Rising Star Award recognises the potential of an individual in the earlier stages of their career as a government analyst (the first five years), who has gone above and beyond what would be expected for an analyst of their experience, and/or who has championed the importance of analysis.
The shortlisted entries are:
Austin Boyd – "Leadership and Support on a strategic and operationally time-urgent decision affecting multiple Government Departments", Home Office (but work was carried out in MOD)
Christina Palmou – "Innovative firm-level microdata and research", ONS
Jamie Thomas – "All round amazing contributor to the GSS & Analysis Function", Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Rebecca Vincent – "Childcare Deserts and Oases", Ofsted
Samuel Bruning – "Support to the Military Specialist User", Ministry of Defence (MOD)
Will Shepherd – "Longitudinal Business Database, HMRC trade in goods data and local employment dynamics", ONS
When will the winners be announced?
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