Data and release highlights
Births by parents’ country of birth, England and Wales: 2023
This release presents annual statistics on live births including countries of birth for non-UK-born mothers and fathers. Numbers are provided at national, regional and local geographies.
Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales: 2022
This release presents numbers and rates of unexplained deaths in infancy in England and Wales that occurred in 2022, by various infant and parent demographic, social and economic characteristics.
It also illustrates changes in the length of registration delays for this group over time.
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain: between 2001 to 2003 and 2021 to 2023
Subnational trends in the average number of years people will live beyond their current age measured by ‘period life expectancy’.
Life expectancy estimates are provided for national, regional, and local geographies and include new estimates for Scotland’s council areas using rebased mid-year population estimates.
Legionellosis in residents of England and Wales: 2017 to 2023
This report, released on 21 November 2024, presents data from the National Enhanced Legionnaires' Disease Surveillance Scheme.
It provides information for all confirmed cases of Legionellosis among residents of England and Wales with symptom onset between 1 January and 31 December 2023. It also compares confirmed cases with previous years between 2017 and 2022.
Flying Start: April 2023 to March 2024
The Welsh Government early years programme is delivered by local authorities. Its aim is to improve outcomes for families with children under 4 years old in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Wales.
This statistical release reports on the children being offered, and taking up the childcare element, under phase 2 Flying Start expansion for the first time.
Community pharmacy services: April 2023 to March 2024
This data, from the Welsh Government, provides information about pharmacies, prescriptions dispensed and pharmaceutical services offered.
National child measurement programme
The Obesity profile was updated in November and now includes data for the 2023 to 2024 academic year. The tool gives information about inequalities in child obesity prevalence by:
- sex
- deprivation
- ethnic group for England, regions and local authorities
The accompanying statistical commentary and child obesity slide sets further explore patterns in the data. On the same day, NHS England published their annual National child measurement programme (NCMP) report.
Child development outcomes - England
Data for child development outcomes has been updated with the latest financial year ending 2024 data, both in Fingertips and as open document spreadsheet (ODS) files.
The report includes information about increases in expected levels of development for 2 to 2 and a half year-olds, from 2022/23 to 2023/24 and percentage increases in those achieving the expected level of development in communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal social skills.
However, the proportion achieving the expected level of development in all five domains and across all specific domains remains lower than the pre-pandemic level in 2019 to 2020.
Breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks - England
This update gives information about the increase in breastfeeding data from 2022/23 to 2023/24. It’s available both in Fingertips and as ODS files.
This is the highest prevalence of breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks reported since 2015 to 2016 when the current data collection commenced.
Health visiting activity - England
Data for health visiting activity has been updated to show the increase from 2022/23 to 2023/24.
However, coverage of some reviews (new birth visits within 14 days, 6 to 8-week reviews) remains lower than the pre pandemic 2019 to 2020 period. The information is available both in Fingertips and as ODS files.
New data on access and use of fertility treatment by family types
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has released its ‘Family formations in fertility treatment 2022’ report. This is alongside an update to the award-winning HFEA dashboard, which provides an interactive view of the data.
This report includes information on access and use of fertility treatment by family types in the UK, including age at first IVF treatment, birth rates and funding.