Admin-based income statistics research update

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Admin-based income statistics (ABIS), England and Wales: tax year ending 2018

20 December 2022

Today we have published the latest development to our experimental admin-based income statistics (ABIS), including the first release of an accompanying Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report. This is a short methods change article, accompanied by detailed ABIS datasets for user exploration. This continues our investigation into the feasibility of using administrative data to measure income for small areas. Using improved methodology and incorporating two additional administrative data sources from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP): Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC), we have produced experimental ABIS for the tax year ending 2018, reflecting the last time period for which we have all administrative data sources available. 

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These ABIS provide experimental measures of gross and net, individual and occupied address income down to Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level. They have been produced using HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and DWP administrative data from the Pay As You Earn, Self-Assessment and Benefits systems. 

These Experimental Statistics build upon our previously published ABIS which included an update to the methodology to incorporate self-employment income from HMRC Self-Assessment data for the first time. Future work to further improve these Experimental Statistics will include investigating the feasibility of capturing additional income components, continuing with general methodological improvements to the ABIS measures, and comparing with alternative measures of small area income. 

We welcome your feedback on the method used to produce these experimental admin-based income statistics and the planned future developments. Email us your comments and questions and include “Admin-based income statistics” in the subject line of your response.

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