ONS - Beneath our feet: improving estimates of UK land value

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ONS blog and article

10 March 2022

Beneath our feet: improving estimates of UK land value

Among the very largest numbers produced by the ONS are the financial estimates of the value of the UK itself - its physical assets, and, perhaps most fundamentally, the value of the land beneath our feet. In a blog today Marianthi Dunn explains how the ONS is improving the measurement of land value – and why it matters.

We have also today published an article describing this work in more detail.

We will also be discussing our work on improving estimates on the value of land can be heard at the National Balance Sheet user forum on Wednesday 17 March – register here

Read our blog

Vital ONS data on COVID-19

Details of all of the statistics and analysis the ONS is producing on the prevalence and impact of COVID-19 and the UK’s vaccine rollout can be found at ONS.gov.uk/coronavirus

Please note the ONS is still publishing market sensitive releases at 07:00.  Other statistics are being released at 09:30 as usual.

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