Admin-based ethnicity statistics feasibility research

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Admin-based ethnicity statistics feasibility research

6 August 2021

ONS does not currently produce annual statistics by local authority on the population by ethnic group and the last official statistics were from the 2011 Census. Today, as part of our population and social statistics transformation programme, we have published two articles on our research into the feasibility of producing statistics on the population by ethnic group from administrative data.  Please note that this is early statistical research published to ensure transparency and enable users to feed into ongoing development. These outputs are not official statistics and should not be used for policy or decision making at this time.

We have produced admin-based ethnicity statistics for England by linking ethnicity data from English School Census (ESC), Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) to the admin-based population estimates V3.0 for 2016. In our Admin-based ethnicity statistics for England, feasibility research: 2016 article, we provide an overview of the population coverage from combining these data sources at national, regional and local authority level. We also compare the admin-based ethnicity statistics with ethnicity estimates from 2011 Census and year ending June 2016 Annual Population Survey data.

Our accompanying article provides an overview of the methods used to produce the admin-based ethnicity statistics. It also presents findings from record-level comparisons between the administrative data and 2011 Census.

Our research shows promise for the ability to produce ethnicity statistics down to local authority level from administrative data. We will continue to explore how we can further improve upon the admin-based ethnicity statistics through incorporating additional data sources, exploring alternative methods and using 2021 Census data to continue to evaluate the admin-based ethnicity statistics. Further information on our planned future developments can be found in both articles.

We welcome feedback on the method used to produce the admin-based ethnicity statistics and the planned future developments. Please email your feedback to

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