What is the value of our environment?


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What is the value of our environment?

Nature provides services that make human life possible. How do we measure these services? Our latest SlideShare looks at measuring environmental services in official statistics.

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Earth Day and Natural Capital Accounts - empower with knowledge

                What are Natural Capital Accounts and why do we need to value nature through official statistics? To mark Earth Day, ONS Economic Advisor Emily Connors discusses why ONS and Defra are together developing Natural Capital Accounts.

Have your say on the future of infant mortality statistics

ONS publishes annual infant mortality statistics for England and Wales in a number of key outputs. We're conducting a review of these outputs to ensure they are coherent and continue to meet user requirements. We're proposing to streamline the number of key outputs and would really value your thoughts in our consultation. Consultation closes 29 June.

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Visual.ONS is a website exploring new approaches to making ONS statistics accessible and relevant to a wide public audience.