ONS releases - Overview of the UK population: March 2017


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3 March 2017

People, population and community

Overview of the UK population: March 2017

The UK population grew to an estimated 65.1 million in 2015, the largest ever, an increase of just over half a million people since 2014. The UK’s population continues to grow and age. 

The percentage of the population that is 65 years or older is growing. It increased between 1975 and 2015, from 14.1% of the population to 17.8%. It is projected to continue to grow to nearly a quarter of the population by 2045. The proportion of children in the UK population has declined from over 24% in 1975 to less than 20% in 2015, projected to decline even further in future years. Find out more about how the UK’s population has changed, what has caused the population and its characteristics to change, and how it is projected to change in the future. 

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