ONS releases - Focus on violent crime and sexual offences, England and Wales: year ending March 2016, Keeping the census relevant in a changing world


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9 February 2017

People, population and community

Focus on violent crime and sexual offences, England and Wales: year ending March 2016

The estimated annual number of CSEW violent crime incidents has fallen from its 1995 peak of 3.8 million to 1.3 million. However, there was no statistically significant change compared with the previous year’s survey.

Improvements in crime recording processes by the police are thought to be the main driver of a 27% rise in the number of violence against the person offences recorded by the police in the year ending March 2016 compared with the previous year.

The 106,098 sexual offences recorded by the police was the highest figure recorded since the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard in 2002. As well as improvements in recording practices, this is thought to reflect a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes, including non-recent victims.

Keeping the census relevant in a changing world

In an era when ‘national treasures’ come and go, it’s rare to find something that’s earned the public’s trust and affection generation after generation. But every 10 years, residents in England and Wales take the time to participate in the census.

 Check out our latest blogpost to find out what we’re doing to make sure the 2021 Census stays relevant and meets users’ needs in a changing world, and see how our census team are planning for 2021 and beyond.

As part of our data discovery project, we are seeking information on how you use our datasets: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FZZ9DLQ

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