Latest News | Food Waste Action Week | Support for Ukraine | Notts care leavers aspirations | Junction upgrades | Help shape the future of Notts Help Yourself | Tackling violence against women and children

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Food Waste Action Week

Food waste action week

The second annual Food Waste Action Week began on Monday, with the council and Veolia joining efforts to reduce waste.  Food Waste Action Week aims to raise awareness of the huge impact of household food waste on climate change and share practical advice, food savvy behaviours and tips on how we can all easily reduce the amount of food we waste in our homes.

More info on Food Action Waste Week

Supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Ukrainian flag

We are proud to support the Disasters Emergency Committee's (DEC)  appeal to help people fleeing conflict in Ukraine.

DEC charities are working with local partners to provide refugees and displaced people with food, water, blankets, hygiene items, medical assistance, protection and trauma care.

Read more and donate

Notts Pension Fund wants to sell Russian assets

County Hall

The Nottinghamshire Pension Fund has set out its ambition to sell the small amount of Russian assets it holds.

Investment managers have spent the last few days reviewing the £6.6bn pension fund for Russian links and have found the fund holds less than 0.1% of Russian assets.

Following discussions with LGPS Central (the pension fund’s pool company), the pension fund has asked its investment managers to sell its Russian assets as soon as it is legally and ethically possible.

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Notts care leavers aim high with university success and career aspirations

Care leaver

An increase in Nottinghamshire’s care leavers going to university has highlighted the ambition of young people in care across the county.

For the September 2022-23 academic year, there are 17 young people in care who have set their sights on university education, an increase of eight compared to September 2021.

Find out more

A614/A6097 junction upgrades scheme plans have now been submitted

A614 Lowdham

Plans for upgrades to six junctions as part of the A614/A6097 scheme have now been submitted to the planning team.

This marks the next step towards removing peak period traffic congestion along the route, while significantly improving journey time for commuters and local businesses and unlocking major development sites nearby.

If planning permission is approved in summer 2022, works on the £28.6m scheme are expected to start in summer 2023 and be complete by summer 2025.

More information on the junction improvements

Help shape the future of Notts Help Yourself

Notts Help Yourself survey graphic image

We are redesigning the Notts Help Yourself online directory to make it easier for you to find information on your local community, childcare, employment and much more.

We’d love to hear your views on the proposed new page designs. Our short survey takes just 10 minutes and will close on Tuesday 15 March.

Complete survey

We all have the power to tackle violence against women and girls

Tackle violence against women and girls

We are supporting the government’s latest campaign that highlights what we can do to safely challenge abuse.

A website has been developed to give guidance and support on what the different forms of abuse are, how to safely intervene, how to receive support if you have been a victim and how to get support if you are worried about your own behaviour.

Find out more

Living safely with Covid banner
