Thank you to our Notts Recycles pledgers | Love your bin |Win a recycled bowl | Pancake Day | ....and more!

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£1,000 donated to When You Wish Upon A Star

Thank you to all our Notts Recycles pledgers

Throughout January Nottinghamshire residents were encouraged to make a pledge to reduce, reuse or recycle a little more in 2022. Not only will this help the environment, but it has also helped raise money for the Nottinghamshire County Council Chairman’s chosen charity, When You Wish Upon a Star, helping grant wishes for local children living with life threatening illnesses.

For each pledge made, Veolia (Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste contractors) donated £1 to the charity. We received some amazing and creative pledges, all of which will not only improve our county’s recycling but have helped to raise a fantastic £1,000! One lucky pledger has also become the winner of the Eco hamper which will help them in their journey to make 2022 even greener.

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part.

Love your bin

Love your bin

This Valentine’s Day make sure your tokens of affection can be loved by the environment too by being recycled. Valentine’s cards and wrapping paper without glitter, flocking or foil can all go in your recycling bin at home after the big day, letting the ‘love’ live on. And if you’re looking to buy your loved one flowers, try looking out for ones grown in the UK and/or without plastic wrap. They can be easily composted at home to give a little love back to your garden once the blooms start to fade.

Remember that by being ‘enviromantic’ and by helping us to recycle all your cans, tins, paper, cardboard and plastic bottles all year round, you're sharing love with the world by saving our natural resources. Thank you!                             

Win a recycled bowl

To celebrate Valentine’s Day we are offering you the chance to win this beautiful heart shaped recycled bowl.

It is made from recycled aluminium with coloured enamel and is food safe. It could be used for ‘nibbles’ whilst you watch your favourite film or maybe to keep trinkets safe in your bedroom.

Enter the competition

Recycled heart bowl

National Pizza Day - 9 February

It’s hard to believe that the British love affair with pizza didn’t really start until the 1950’s and now as a nation we eat millions every month. A takeaway pizza can be a real treat for the family to enjoy but the empty box can be a real headache for recyclers. Many people think that because the box is made of cardboard it is good for recycling but this is not the case. The box will be contaminated with food and grease making it unsuitable for recycling. So when the last slice has been eaten make sure the box goes in your general waste bin.

National Pizza Day

Festival of Science and Curiosity

Festival of Science and Curiosity

Notts Festival of Science and Curiosity is back this year and is running between 7 to 16 February.

If you have a budding mathematician, a future scientist or engineer at home or even a youngster who is curious and loves learning new things, then why not check out some of the activities happening at venues across the city and county. Fancy making a seed bomb or finding out what owls eat or interested in the wonderful world of fungi? Then visit the website and book your place.

Find out more about the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity

Pancake Day - 1 March 2022

Pancake Day 2022

Looking for a flipping good way to enjoy Shrove Tuesday? Why not try some savoury pancake recipes from Love Food Hate Waste to use up your leftovers?

Pesto, ham and leftover vegetables: Add a little pesto to your pancake batter. Make a white sauce or use a bought cheese sauce. Mix in your ham and any leftover cooked vegetables you have, roughly chopped. Spread the mixture over 2/3 of the pancake, roll it up and place seam side down on a greased dish. Sprinkle with cheese and heat in the oven until piping hot. Serve with a crisp green salad.

Chicken stir fry: For something a little different, add chopped coriander to your pancake mix and use coconut milk in place of cow’s milk. Fill your pancakes with your leftover stir fried chicken and vegetables. If you want to use up any other stray vegetables from the fridge, just add them in.

Spanish style pancakes: Add a pinch of chilli to your pancake batter. Heat a jar of tomato pasta sauce in a pan, chop and add any leftover vegetables that you have hiding in the fridge. Bring to the boil and cook until reduced. Fill your chilli pancake with the tomato sauce and top with a fried egg. Sprinkle over grated cheese and chopped coriander.

No more tops off for recycling

Bottle tops

Plastic drinks bottle tops, sauce bottle tops, toiletry bottle tops and cleaning bottle tops, including flip tops are all now accepted in your household recycling.  Please just wash and squash your bottles and place the top back on before popping them in your recycling bin.

Trigger spray or pump action (e.g. liquid soap or cleaning spray) bottle tops are still not suitable for recycling so please remove and dispose of them in the general waste bin.

Food Waste Action Week

Next month sees the second Food Waste Action Week (7 to13 March). Love Food Hate Waste dedicates a whole week of action to raising awareness of the environmental consequences of wasting food, and promoting activities that help to reduce the amount of food we waste.

Around a third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted which has a real impact on climate change, contributing 8 to 10% of total man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

Keep your eyes peeled, as we will be sharing more tips during Food Waste Action Week.

Find out more about Love Food Hate Waste 

Food Waste Action Week

Recycling centre opening times change

Recycling centres

With lighter evenings on the way, our 12 recycling centres are extending their opening times at the beginning of March by two hours. The recycling centres will be open from 8am to 6pm every day of the week. 

Find your nearest recycling centre

Inspire Learning Nottinghamshire