Covid-19 update | Vaccinations for children aged 12 - 15 | Updated rules for a positive lateral flow test result | Boost your immunity against Omicron | Face coverings worn in classrooms | Updated travel rules | Coronavirus dashboard

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Covid-19 update


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SAIS Covid-19 update

SAIS Covid-19 vaccination programme for 12-15 year olds in schools will start from 10 January

From Monday 10 January, children aged 12-15 will be offered their 1st or 2nd dose of the Covid-19 vaccination in Nottinghamshire schools. Most children can get the 2nd dose from 12 weeks after their 1st dose.

School immunisation teams will visit your child's school to give the vaccine.

As a parent or guardian, you will receive a letter or email with information about when the vaccine will be offered, and you'll be asked to give consent. Please keep an eye out from your child's school for further details.

Alternatively, this age group can book online or walk into the following vaccination clinics without an appointment: 

  • Mansfield Vaccination Centre – Tuesday and Thursday 4.30pm-7.30pm
  • King's Mill Hospital – Monday – Sunday 8am-1.30pm
  • Forest Recreation Ground – Monday and Wednesday 4.30pm-7.30pm

Parents or guardians should attend the appointment to give their consent.

Please visit the NHS website for further information about the vaccination for 12 – 15 year olds. In addition, a vaccination guide for young people is available on GOV.UK.

Has your child recently tested positive for Covid-19?

If your child has tested positive for Covid-19 and is not at high risk from Covid-19, they need to wait 12 weeks before they can have a Covid-19 vaccine. This starts from the date of their positive PCR test.

Find out more

Updated rules for a positive lateral flow test result

lateral flow tests

From 11 January, people who receive positive lateral flow test results for coronavirus will be required to self-isolate immediately and do not need to take a confirmatory PCR test.

This is a temporary measure while Covid-19 rates remain high across the UK.

Anyone who develops one of the three main Covid-19 symptoms (a high temperature, loss in taste or sense of smell or a persistent cough) should stay at home and self-isolate and take a PCR test.

They must self-isolate straight away if they get a positive test result, even if they have had a recent negative lateral flow test – these rules have not changed.

Updated testing guidance

Boost your immunity against Omicron

Don't start 2022 like this

Every adult in the country now needs to get a Covid-19 booster vaccine, because two doses does not give you enough protection against catching Omicron. 

There are plenty of vaccination sites across Nottinghamshire delivering the booster jab. You can book your booster online or find a walk-in site near you.

Remember, it is never too late to have your first or second vaccine dose so please don’t hesitate to book yours today.

Do you have any questions about the Covid-19 vaccine? NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG have put together a list of useful FAQs to help you answer any questions you may have.

Vaccination FAQs

Where to get a lateral flow test in Nottinghamshire

lateral flow tests

Taking regular lateral flow tests are an important part of slowing the spread of Covid-19. These tests are FREE and quick to complete.

Our test sites offer supervised testing to help you take the test or you can collect home test kits to take away with you.

You can find a full list of lateral flow test locations in the county on our website.

Getting tested for Covid-19

Face coverings recommended in classrooms

Face coverings

To help prevent the spread of Omicron in schools, the Government recommends as a temporary measure that secondary school pupils wear face coverings in classrooms.

This does not apply in situations where wearing a face covering would impact the ability to participate in exercise or strenuous activity, for example, in PE lessons.

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Travelling to England? Here are the latest rules...

New travel rules

From 4am on Friday 7 January, if you are fully vaccinated or under 18 you won’t need to take a pre-departure test before arriving in England. You won’t need to self-isolate on arrival either.

From 4am on Sunday 9 January, fully vaccinated adults and over 5s must take a post-arrival lateral flow test, the test must be taken on or before day 2. If you test positive you will need to self isolate immediately and order a PCR test from GOV.UK.

Travel guidance

Latest coronavirus infection rates across Nottinghamshire

Coronavirus dashboard

The latest Covid-19 infection rates in the county are published on our Coronavirus Dashboard. This data is sourced from the UKHSA's national dataset and is updated daily.

Visit Dashboard

Get your booster vaccination