Family Life | Festive season top picks | Keeping your family safe this winter | Inspire Online | Green advent calendar

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Festive top picks

Christmas half term events and activities

With the schools now officially out for the festive holidays, for many, the countdown to Christmas is officially on!

Need some ideas to keep the family busy over Christmas and New Year? Check out our Christmas school holidays’ dashboard to find plenty of events and activities to keep your family busy over the Christmas period. 

While enjoying the festive fun, keep yourself and others sleigh-f this Christmas by adhering to the latest Covid-19 guidance.

School holiday events 

Latest Covid-19 guidance

Latest news

Keeping your family healthy this winter

Mum and children

We would like to hear from you about what matters to you and your health and wellbeing to help to set our priorities for the next four years.

Anyone living in Nottinghamshire can give us their feedback by completing our online survey.

We also want to hear from children and young people. Please let them know about our children and young people’s survey.

Help protect your child from flu

This year, all children in primary and secondary school (up to Year 11) are eligible for the free nasal flu vaccine at school, with your consent.

The nasal spray flu vaccine is quick, painless and could protect your child from flu which is easily spread around the family. Complete the online electronic consent form if you would like your child to be fully protected.

More about the flu vaccine

Inspire Online - resources for under 5s

Rattle, Rhyme and Roll session

Take a look at Inspire's fantastic online resources for your little ones. Come along on an Adventure in Music, sing along to Rattle, Rhyme and Roll, meet Granny Owl in Story Explorers or join in a Little Creative session with a team of artists.

Visit Inspire Online

What's on

Robin Robin Storytelling Walk

Robin Robin walk

Join us at Sherwood Forest for a walking story tour of the Robin Robin tale.

Prick your ears, sniff the air and watch out for pesky predators as you journey through the story and discover your own sneak superpower.

You will have the chance to hear the wonderful story of Robin Robin and get involved with activities based on the story. Whether you’re sneaking through the forest, finding things for Magpie or learning how to avoid Cat, there will be something for everyone!

Storytelling walks will take place on 19, 22, 29 December and 7 January.

£5 non-members, £4 members.

Find out more

Christmas Trail at Rufford

Christmas Trail

Come and join in the festive fun and have a walk around Rufford whilst looking for some of our elves' special scenes.

No booking required, just collect your trail sheets from the Courtyard Gift Shop on the day of your visit and away you go!

Abbey Peppermint's Christmas trail will take place daily from 11am - 4pm until 9 January, £2 per trail sheet.

More festive events at Rufford

Don’t miss out on our green advent calendar!

Advent calendar

Have you seen our advent calendar yet? It’s not too late to pick up some festive recycling tips and guarantee your place on Santa’s nice list.

Each day you can open a new window to get a message from our recycling elves all aimed at making your Christmas greener and helping you to avoid Santa’s naughty list! There’s no chocolate here so it’s good for reducing your waistline as well as your waste!

Visit the Notts Recycles advent calendar