Business advice: Take the survey - Your chance to shape the future for 5G technology in Notts

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Take the survey - Your chance to shape the future for 5G technology in Notts

We want to hear from business experts  to help shape the future use for 5G technology in Nottinghamshire

We’re leading an ambitious 5G Connected Forest programme, in partnership with academic researchers and local businesses. One of our focuses is on how 5G technology could be used to support and benefit businesses.   

So we want to hear the views of  business owners, directors and managers from across all sectors so we can learn more about the technology needs for local firms.

Our independent research survey should take no more than 10 minutes. All survey results will be reported anonymously.

To get involved, please complete the survey before 16 January 2022.

There will be a chance to win £100 for a charity of your choice. Visit the prize draw rules.  

Complete the survey
