Community Support Newsletter | December 2021

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Communities updates from Nottinghamshire County Council

Local Community Fund

Get your applications in for £5,000+ revenue grants by 31 December

Our new local community  fund  is well under way and open for applications

Eligible community organisations and groups can apply at any time for a small revenue grant up to £5,000 or capital grants of up to £20,000

However,  Friday 31 December  is the latest we can accept  applications for larger revenue  grants of  £5,000 or more, designed to help with running costs for  groups with a good track record of delivery

Apply now

Helping  those most in need – Household Support Fund referrals  

You may have heard about the Government’s Household Support Fund which is helping those most in need as we continue to recover from the effects of the Covid-19 lockdowns.

£3.3m is being used to support Notts households who are struggling to buy food, pay essential utility bills or meet other essential living costs

To help these grants reach those who need them the most - and as quickly as possible – this  money is being allocated on a referral basis rather than by direct applications

For those who feel they are eligible and in immediate need of these funds,  and are already being supported by a Nottinghamshire County Council or a District or Borough council professional (such as frontline workers, including social workers, housing or benefits officers as well as those working for the Citizen Advice Bureaux) please speak to them in the first instance.

For more information contact:

The new Nottinghamshire Plan 2021 – 2031 is now live

Set out in nine ambitions, core to the plan is levelling up life chances across the county by investing in priority communities.

You can view and make yourself familiar with the full plan, which is presented on a dedicated Nottinghamshire Plan website that will be kept up to date on progress being made and any further goals.

Visit the Nottinghamshire Plan website

Training Opportunities

Online training webinar

Free Safeguarding Training

Are you a local Community and Voluntary Organisations that work with young people who are vulnerable to becoming involved in violence?

We have commissioned Safeguarding Training in two parts:
Part 1 - Introductory Safeguarding Training, Thursday 16th December 10:30am – 12:30pm
Part 2 - Designated Safeguarding Lead Training, Tuesday 21st December 10:30am – 12:30pm

Email to find out more and apply

Resident Led Activity: The Essentials of Community Organising - online workshop

There is overwhelming academic research illustrating the importance of social relationships, (and group activities in particular), to the health and wellbeing of communities and their residents.

The half day online workshop explores the techniques used by Nottinghamshire County Council's Communities Team to support residents to realise their plans by coming together with like-minded individuals. 

Find out more and to register to attend

Help make Nottinghamshire more dementia friendly!

There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK. This will increase to over one million by 2025 and over two million by 2050. 

Learn more about what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action. It’s really easy to do, only takes 30 minutes and you receive a Dementia Friend digital badge for your email signature. The interactive information sessions will be delivered by one of our NCC Dementia Champions via Teams.

Use the button below to book your place on our next Dementia Friends session on Friday 17th December.

I want to be a Dementia Friend 

Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund

The Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund has been specifically set up to support the suicide prevention voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.

This grant fund will support services to help meet increased demand resulting from the pandemic, and will particularly focus on organisations supporting individuals from some of the groups we all consider to be at higher-risk of suicide, as is set out within the latest progress report. There is also a ring-fenced proportion of the grant fund to specifically help support small community-led groups and organisations up and down the country, who play a vital role in responding to local needs.

The application portal for the grant fund will close on Thursday 6th January 2022. 

The fund is being administered by PwC (on behalf of DHSC), following an open tender. PwC will be holding a webinar to provide further information about applying for the fund and will also host a helpline for those that may need further guidance with an application.

Suicide Prevention Fund 2021 to 2022: application guidance

Health Walks for West Bridgford Residents

Walking map for West Bridgford

Nottinghamshire County Council, in collaboration with St George’s Medical Practice and West Bridgford Medical Centre, has created four self-guided health walking pamphlets for West Bridgford residents. The walks begin from the surgeries, and are aimed at any resident who wishes to improve their mental and physical health through walking. Routes vary in intensity, and are a good start for those who are new to walking.

Physical copies of the walk routes are also available from County Hall Reception and Nottingham Tourism Centre.

Learn more and download the PDF pamphlet

Scam Alert

Notts Police logo

Police have received a spike in reports of scam telephone calls from fraudsters impersonating police officers or stating that they are from the ‘Fraud Squad’. Victims have been told that either, their bank account has been compromised and to catch the suspect, money needs to be transferred to another bank account.

 More details about police impersonation scams

Panto on demand for care homes and independent living centres

Beauty and the Beast panto logo

Anyone working with care homes or independent living centres or their residents may be interested to share with them Beauty and the Beast On Demand - which will allow them to watch this year's magical panto on the television right where they are.

The offer, from Nottingham Playhouse, is available until Saturday 15 January at a discounted price of £20 for a group screening.

Those using a smart TVs should be able to access the show through their browser. Help and advice on this and more can be found on the FAQs page.

To book Beauty and the Beast for your group, register for an account on the Playhouse website and then call the Box Office on 0115 941 9419.

Find out more about the production

Wellbeing tips for the festive period

Christmas baubles

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this time of year can be very overwhelming and equipped2succeed are keen to support those that find this time of year difficult and challenging.

Please share the wellbeing tips and article with any of your contacts who may find it useful.

Wellbeing tips for this Festive Period:

  • Honesty
  • Remember to try and take some time to relax
  • Don't compare your Christmas to others
  • Give yourself a gift
  • Check in on yourself and those around you

These past couple of years have been difficult for everybody in so many different ways, don’t let all the wonderful celebrations distract you from focusing on your wellbeing because at the end of the day, your health is the greatest gift to yourself and those around you.

And from all of us in the Communities Team - we wish you a safe and happy Christmas.

Read the full article
