North Devon Land Charges team wins top award

North Devon Council

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16-03-2022 02:15 PM GMT

NLIS winners certificate for NDC Land Charges team

North Devon Council has won the Best Performing National Land Information Service (NLIS) Level 2 Local Land Charges Department award at the 2022 Land Data Local Land Charges Awards for Excellence. 

This is the sixth time the team has won this prestigious award, having previously won in 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019; they were also highly commended in 2020 and 2021. 

The national awards recognise the work and achievements of local authority Local Land Charges departments which carry out the land and property searches required for conveyancing transactions in England and Wales.   

The winners of this award category are the best performing Local Land Charges department operating at NLIS level 2 in the past year. Part of the criteria considered by judges is highest number of NLIS electronic conveyancing searches, the fastest electronic turnaround time, search accuracy and the level of overdue searches. 

Leader of North Devon Council, Councillor David Worden, says: "The Land Charges team working for North Devon Council are an outstanding team. They have dominated this award category since 2013 and I am so proud of the hard work they put in, year in and year out, to achieve such excellent results."

Fiona Barron, Land Data’s Chief Executive, says: "It has been inspiring to see such resilience and tenacity in this year's entries, after two extremely difficult years, where the pandemic has put extra demands and pressures on all local land charge teams. These teams go above and beyond to ensure that residents are able to buy new homes as quickly and smoothly as possible, helping local people fulfil their dreams. All the winners and highly commended local authorities should feel proud of their efforts to serve their communities and Local Government." 

Entries for this award category were judged using NLIS Hub data, the category is sponsored by the National Land Information Service.

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