HRA joins NHS innovation service
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve become the latest organisation to join the new NHS Innovation Service.
The NHS Innovation Service, which launched earlier this year, provides support for healthcare innovators from the very first stages of an idea, right through to their innovation being adopted.
Our support will make sure that innovators understand the research approvals process and the steps they need to take.
 HRA launches public involvement pay guidance
We’ve developed new guidance for organisations on how public contributors should be paid for their involvement in health and social care research.
The guidance aims to give organisations the confidence and a clear framework to develop simple and timely payment policies.
It was developed jointly with the National Institute for Health and Care Research and Health and Care Research Wales.
 New public involvement checklist
We’ve launched a new public involvement checklist to support researchers submitting studies for research ethics review.
The checklist has guidance and information on what Research Ethics Committees (RECs) will be looking for when considering public involvement as part of the ethics review.
Researchers can also use the checklist to review what they write in their applications as well as prepare for their REC meeting.