Making decisions about the work we do next year
We held an event with the wider HRA community - including members of the public - to help us make decisions about our priorities for the year ahead.
The event is an important part of our decision-making processes and will help ensure the work we are planning is true to our strategy to make it easy to do research that people can trust.
Our Deputy Chief Executive, Karen Williams, has written a blog about why public involvement in this process is so important.
 Developing a flexible and proportionate approach to clinical trials
We're here to make it easier to do health and social care research for everyone. The upcoming revision to clinical trials legislation is an opportunity to improve current practice, signalling the high quality of the UK clinical trial environment that has partnerships with patients and the public at its heart.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) consulted on a number of areas to inform this revision, including patient and public involvement in research, research transparency, the diversity of people taking part in research and taking a proportionate approach to innovative new trial approaches.
Once the government has published its response, we will work in partnership to develop guidance in line with it that is flexible and reflects the scale and nature of different clinical trials.
 Supporting commercial clinical trials in the UK
The number of clinical trials run by the pharmaceutical companies in the UK has declined over recent years. This reduces opportunities for people to take part in research. Turning this around can help research improve care faster.
As Lord O'Shaughnessy takes forward an independent review into the UK commercial clinical trials landscape, our Director of Approvals, Janet Messer, welcomed the review, and sets out the work already underway to transform UK clinical research.
 People-Centred Clinical Research survey now closed
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who completed our People-Centred Clinical Research survey.
More than 400 people shared their experience of clinical research and thoughts on our six proposed hallmarks of good people-centred clinical research. We are now working with the University of Lincoln to analyse the results to identify any themes, whilst continuing conversations with groups who are under represented in the survey results.
The results will be used to make recommendations for system-wide change to improve how clinical research is carried out.