The future of ethics review
In a series of workshops earlier this year we invited you to talk to us about ethics review, and who you trust to make sure that research is ethical. Public contributor, Louise Vale, has written about her reflections on the workshops.
If you missed the workshops, there’s still time to be involved in the conversation. We’ve extended the deadline for responses to the survey to 7 October 2022.
Help us to advise on using patient data
We’re looking for volunteer expert members to join our Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG reviews applications to use identifiable patient data for research purposes and advises the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on non-research uses.
We need people who have a passion for ensuring health and social care data is used legally, and only in the best public interest. We’d especially like to hear from you if you are a researcher, or have experience in artificial intelligence, managing large datasets or information governance.
National Contract Value Review
The national contract value review (NCVR) is a standardised, national approach to costing for commercial contract research aimed at making it easier to set up and conduct research in NHS sites. From 1 October 2022, all new eligible commercial research studies will use this process.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has produced an infographic to show how a national contract value review will support commercial research set up and where this process fits into overall activities.
Help shape our new service: understanding regulations of AI and digital technology in health and social care
The HRA, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and MHRA are developing a new advisory service. The service will support people who develop or use artificial intelligence and digital technologies for health and social care, including research.
Does this sound like you? We need more users to test the service so far and provide feedback.
Clinical trials of medicines legislation consultation
Earlier this year, we worked with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to consult on a set of proposals to update the law relating to clinical trials of medicines.
This law makes sure that the rights, safety and wellbeing of clinical trial subjects are protected. It also outlines how trials must be reviewed and approved before they start, and it sets standards for how trials should be done. However, the current law in the UK dates from 2004, and as we all know the world is a very different place now.
The MHRA is currently reviewing responses to the consultation, and we are working with them to plan how they can be written into law. In the meantime, we are getting ready to make sure we can support the research community with any changes.
Student research toolkit
Are you a life sciences research student? Or do you supervise students who undertake research in a UK health or social care setting? Our guidance and resources can help you to decide if the research is eligible and what approvals you need.
All students who undertake research in a UK health or social care setting should complete the toolkit as part of their studies.