NHS App Ambassador's November Newsletter

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NHS App Ambassadors Newsletter 

Get the latest NHS App redesign news and discover how ambassadors are collaborating with other organisations to help patient’s use the NHS App.

NHS App Ambassadors Webinar: 21st November 15:00 to 16:00

Get the latest updates from the NHS App team, find out about the NHS App redesign and ask your question at the next NHS App ambassadors webinar!

You will have received an invite in your email, if you haven’t, please contact appambassadors@nhs.net. The webinar will be recorded for those who cannot attend.

nhs app redesign image

The NHS App is being redesigned to make it simpler for patients to find and access services

In the next few weeks, patients will see an updated home page, simpler structure, and easier-to-understand language within the NHS App. This more intuitive design will make it easier for patients to use, giving them greater control of their healthcare. 

Some services have moved within the NHS App, but all the services patients need are still available. 

Check the NHS App ambassador's Teams channel this week to find out more or come along to next week’s NHS App Ambassador webinar!

Get Support: Can you work with local organisations to help patients use the NHS App?

Charities, Libraries and Councils

Many ambassadors connect with local organisations that help patients to use the NHS App. National and local charities often offer resources to help patients of all ages and abilities to use technology.

Local councils are working on digital inclusion as part of their own plans to achieve our shared goal of reducing health inequality. Together with libraries, they may run digital enablement workshops or other initiatives to help patients use the app on their mobile or online, through the NHS website.

Your ICB and PCN

PCN’s have Social Prescribers, who connect people to services in their community to improve their wellbeing. As NHS workers they can directly handle patient data, unlike charity and council members, and can sign patients up for the NHS App for any practice within their PCN.

Marta's Digital Cafe image

You can contact your PCN managers to find local Social Prescribers who can support your patients with the NHS App. Your ICB will also have their own Digital Access Lead, or someone with a similar job title around Digital Inclusion, who can help you connect with other organisations to direct patients to for support.

Marta Fischer, Digital Access Lead in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB, has recently started a partnership with her local PCN Social Prescribers. Together, they’ve opened five Digital Cafes in local libraries to support patients with the NHS App.

After advertising on community boards and Twitter, they’ve hosted their first two Cafés, which received great feedback. Pictured is Marta helping the Cafe’s first patient to use the app on her tablet.

If you would like more about Marta’s work and how you could replicate it locally, contact her at marta.fischer2@nhs.net.

Have you seen what’s coming up on the NHS App roadmap?

road image for the road map

The NHS App team have added new developments to the NHS App roadmap that will help them to achieve their objectives over the next year.

You can see these objectives, as well as what has recently been updated in the NHS App, what the team are working on now and what they plan to do next here: Future developments for the NHS App - NHS Digital

NHS App Promotional Videos

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB have kindly shared videos that you can use to help promote the NHS App. The videos are an introduction to what the NHS App can do. They’re available in multiple languages, including British Sign Language, and contain subtitles: General NHS App promotional materials - NHS Digital

Ambassador spotlight

Duang Weston, Digital Change Facilitator in the Digital Inclusion Team at NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB, discusses how her team support NHS App events and shares how a patient found the NHS App to be a life saver.

Duang and Sarah at an event

How do you promote the NHS App in your area?

As an ICB, we work closely with our Clinical System Team to support GP practices in our ICS and promote the uptake of the NHS App. Practices can use our self-serve toolkit to host an NHS App event or fill in an expression of interest form to request support.

When we co-host an event with a practice, we invite partners who share our aim to empower all patients to manage their health using digital tools. We work with the Norfolk County Council Library Information and Services team’s Digital Health hub, and Healthwatch Norfolk.

At events, every team member is usually very busy speaking to patients about the benefits of the NHS App and helping them download and set up an access. We also make patients aware of local services, such as the library, which can help them further if with the NHS App.

How do you promote the NHS App to colleagues?

I focus on the app’s benefits to encourage practices to enable its features, especially how it reduces pressure on the practice and saves administration time. ‘Do you use the NHS App?’ has become a part of my routine conversations when I meet with colleagues within or outside our ICB!

What NHS App features do you find most beneficial?

I find the repeat prescriptions and health records features most beneficial. I can order a prescription whenever I remember I need to - even in the middle of the night. I share this testimony with patients and colleagues. Many don’t realise the app really can be used anytime and anywhere!

At one of our NHS App events, a patient told me how he became unwell while on holiday abroad. He was sent to a foreign hospital, where all he had to do was show his records on the NHS App - which luckily were enabled. In a stressful and disorienting time, he didn’t have to keep repeating his story, second guess himself or rely on memory to know which medications he had. He felt the NHS App had saved his life!

What do you do when someone is hesitant to use the NHS App?

Duang in her NHS App tshirt at the seaside beach

I try to understand why they’re unsure of the app and explain its benefits with my testimonials.  When a friend’s phone model was not compatible with the app, I explained how all the same services could be used online through the website.  Some people prefer using a desktop version and having a bigger screen.

I also let them know about the local services available to help them, such as their local library, where they can book an appointment for a training session.

Do you have any tips for people running events?

We use our NHS App event checklist to make sure everything will run smoothly. 

Consider health inequality and digital inclusion aspects to ensure that vulnerable patients are supported and their needs are addressed. For instance, provide an Easy Read Guide, information about Assistive Technology support and signpost to local services for further support and learning.

Don’t be afraid to get creative when promoting the NHS App! Events don’t have to be extravagant or expensive to work.

Do you have any other tips for NHS App ambassadors?

Your listening skills are important to find out the underlying reasons someone is reluctant to use the NHS App.

Sustain momentum and make sure to monitor the dashboard to see the impact your work is having.

Remember that in helping people to use the app, you’re playing a part in helping the whole NHS!

Share your organisation's work through the NHS App Ambassadors Teams channel! It really inspires others.

Helpful resources:

You can find comprehensive guidance on the NHS App here.

Find messaging, images and posters to help you promote the NHS App here.

Track NHS App uptake and usage in your area with the NHS App dashboard.    

Find out how to set up a test patient for the NHS App here

For support with the NHS App, patients can visit nhs.uk/helpmeapp.

GP practice staff can find more information on NHS App services here: https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhs-app/nhs-app-guidance-for-gp-practices 

Tell your colleagues about NHS App ambassadors!

Do you know a colleague who could advocate for the NHS App? Tell them to contact appambassadors@nhs.net to become an NHS App ambassador and join our community.

If you have any questions, please get in touch at appambassadors@nhs.net or ask your fellow ambassadors on the NHS App ambassadors Microsoft Teams Channel.