Nottingham Landlord News Mid-October 2023

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Additional Licensing: Important Updates! HMO Licence Holders and Mangers

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A new scheme of Additional HMO Licensing for Privately Rented Houses was approved at Nottingham City Council’s Executive Board on the 19th September 2023. The scheme will start on the 1st January 2024 and will run for up to five years city wide.

To check whether a property is within the designated area go to: and enter the relevant postcode.

A public notice and the designation map is displayed in Loxley House on Station Street Nottingham and further detail will be available on our website shortly  Additional Licensing - Nottingham City Council

All licences in the current additional designation will remain in force until they expiry, this date is given in your licence document. We are accepting new licence applications from the 1st November 2023 for the 2024 designation. Follow the webpage link above to apply for a licence.

Upon the designation coming into force on the 1st January 2024 any person who operates a licensable HMO without a licence, or allows a licensed HMO to be occupied by more households or persons than authorised by a licence, or a person who breaches a condition of a licence is liable to prosecution and upon summary conviction to an unlimited fine. You can view some of our enforcement interventions here: Investigating Housing Offence - Nottingham City Council

The new HMO fees were also approved and will be introduced from the 1st October 2023 for all HMO applications. The Part A payment is collected as part of the application process and the Part B payment is collected before the final licence is issues. If the licence application is refused the part B payment is not collected.


Licence Fee

New From 1st October 2023

Standard fee

1st payment (Part A) £670

2nd payment (Part B) £803

Total £1473

Less compliant fee

1st payment (part A) £670

2nd payment (Part B) £1311

Total £1981

Accredited fee

1st payment (Part A) £670

2nd payment (Part B) £453

Total £1123


If you require any further information please visit our website pages Additional Licensing - Nottingham City Council and Mandatory Licensing for HMO's - Nottingham City Council or you can email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Selective Licensing: Important Updates

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A new scheme of Selective Licensing for Privately Rented Houses was approved at Nottingham City Council’s Executive Board in January 2023 and confirmed by the Secretary of State in July 2023. The scheme will start on the 1 December 2023 and will run for up to five years.

The designation (boundary) has changed to the previous scheme. To check whether a property is within the area go to:


Further details are available on our website  Selective Licensing - Nottingham City Council

All licences in the previous selective designation will remain in force until they expire, this date is given in your licence document. If your licence has expired, we are accepting new licence applications now for the new scheme. Follow the webpage link above to apply for a licence.

Upon the designation coming into force on the 1 December 2023 any person who operates a licensable house without a licence is liable to a civil penalty or prosecution and upon summary conviction to an unlimited fine. You can view some of our enforcement interventions here: Investigating Housing Offence - Nottingham City Council

The new fees have been reviewed. The Part A payment is collected as part of the application process and the Part B payment is collected before the final licence is issued. If the licence application is refused the part B payment is not collected.

Individual application fees:

Individual Fees Selective

Block licence application fees:

Block fees Selective

If you require any further information, please visit our website or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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