Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council
Part 3 of the Regulations recommends a minimum level of energy efficiency for all private rented properties, where the minimum standard on Energy Performance Certificates (EPC’s) is a rating of band E.
An EPC measures both energy efficiency and environmental impact through carbon emissions - A low EPC rating does not only have an impact on the householder in terms of heating ability and running costs, but combined with a low environmental impact score it indicates high levels of carbon emissions.
The energy efficiency of a property can have a direct impact on the property condition and being able heat it effectively. Colder temperatures can affect the body's ability to fight off viruses and infections and can make health conditions worse. It can also have a negative impact on the environment through carbon emissions.
The Council expects landlords to comply with the legislation and proactively assess their properties to ensure they are either currently compliant with the Regulations or implementing improvements. Where landlords are failing in their responsibilities and duties, the Council will try to engage with landlords to ensure the Regulations are followed, but if that fails, we will look to take enforcement action, which could mean a Compliance Notice or a Penalty Notice of up to £5,000 is issued, if the landlord fails to comply or provide the information requested.
Nottingham City Council have launched an information campaign to raise awareness of the money advice and guidance available as winter approaches and the cost of living crisis bites.
Nottingham has some of the highest rates of poverty in the country and, like the rest of the UK; people are facing increases in food and energy bills, rent, mortgage rates and inflation.
There are concerns that as well as the financial impact on households, people’s mental well-being could be affected as they struggle to cope, and this may lead to people avoiding or delaying getting the advice they need.
We would like to encourage you and your tenants to talk about money and be aware of the advice and guidance, which is available.
AskLion is a website, which contains lots of helpful information and useful advice on the simple steps you or your tenants can take to help manage household finances and debt.
Tips on how your tenants can reduce energy costs |
- Turn down the heating thermostat by 1C
- When doing the washing, use a 30-degree cycle instead of higher whenever possible.
- Switch off standby: Switch electrical items off at the plug when not in use (or take the plug out). This can be done with most items without upsetting their programming.
- Take a shower, rather than a bath and try to keep the time in the shower to 4 minutes.
- Avoid overfilling the kettle.
- Only run a dishwasher when it is full or even better – try washing the dishes in a washing up bowl!
- Insulate water tanks, pipes and radiators where possible as it is a quick and easy way to save money on bills, and in older properties, try to draught-proof windows and doors.
- Install a Smart Meter to monitor how much energy is being used.
There are four main types of dampness that could affect your property. It’s important to understand the difference between them, so that you can effectively treat the problem. |
Condensation: caused by water vapour or moisture from inside the home coming into contact with a colder surface, such as a window or wall. The resultant water drops (condensation) may then soak into the wallpaper or paintwork or even plasterwork. In time, the affected damp areas then attract black mould that grows on its surface.
Penetrating dampness: This type of dampness is usually found on external walls or due to roof leaks on ceilings. It only appears because of a defect outside the home, such as missing pointing, cracked rendering, missing roof tiles or defective rainwater goods.
Defective plumbing: leaks from water and waste pipes, especially in bathrooms and kitchens, are relatively common. The affected area looks and feels damp to the touch and remains damp whatever the weather conditions outside.
Rising Damp: This is generally caused by water rising from the ground into the home. The water gets through or round a broken damp proof course (DPC) or passes through the natural brickwork if the property has no DPC. A DPC is a horizontal layer of waterproof material in the walls of a building just above ground level to stop moisture rising through the walls.
Cooking, washing, drying clothes indoors, even breathing - all produce water vapour that can only be seen when tiny drops of water (condensation) appear on colder surfaces such as walls, windows, ceilings or mirrors.
Most homes will be affected by condensation at some point. However, certain activities can increase the problem but is something that can be reduced or remedied without expensive works or treatments.
Tips to reducing damp and mould
Produce less moisture
- Dry clothes outdoors if possible. If tenants have to dry them indoors, its best to use a clothes airer in the bathroom with the door closed and either an extractor fan on or a window slightly open.
- Vent tumble driers to the outside (never into the home) or buy a condensing one.
- Cover pans when cooking and do not leave kettles boiling.
Remove Excess Moisture
Wipe the windows and sills of a home every morning to remove condensation. This is especially important in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen - just opening the window is not enough.
In cold weather, the best way to keep rooms warm and avoid condensation is to keep low background heat on all day rather than short bursts of high heat when people are in the house.
It is important to remove condensation and excess moisture by ventilating rooms.
Opening a window slightly or using a trickle vent that can be found on new windows, will allow warm moisture to escape to the outside and let cool dry air into the property.
The UK Government is introducing changes to how waste and recycling are collected across the country.
Nottingham needs to make changes, and we want to know your thoughts as a Tenant or Landlord. Let us know what you think about changes to: Recycling collections, Food waste collections, Smaller general waste bins …and more.
Have your say until 14 December 2022 here
To get all the latest information, tips, advice and updates from the Safer Housing team, follow us on social media.