Landlord Newsletter November 2021

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Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council

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Landlord and Managing Agents Zoom Event 2021

We held a Landlords and Managing Agents Zoom event a few weeks ago.

We had nearly 300 delegates signed up to join the event, which saw teams from Safer Housing giving updates on their work and our schemes.

The event was recorded and you can view the event below -

Landlord and Managing Agents Zoom Event 2021

It went well, there are some learnings and we hope to hold another of these events in the future to keep you all in the loop on our schemes. 

We answered a number of questions during the event, but we couldn’t answer them all. Responses to any unanswered questions can be found here.

Help with the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards


Don’t forget we have a dedicated team who can help and support you navigate the world of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES).

Since 1 April 2020, the Government set MEES for all private rented housing. It means that landlords can no longer let or continue to let properties covered by the MEES Regulations if they have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating below ‘E’, unless they have a valid exemption in place.

The MEES team will be enforcing the above regulations, but they can also help you look at your options, where to find funding support and what you may need to do so you don’t breach MEES.

If you need help, please email the team below-

Do You Have the Right Housing Licence?

As part of our Compliance Inspections on properties, we are finding that some properties have applied for a Selective Licence, but should have a HMO licence.

Recently we carried out a compliance check and found 4 people living in a home, so it should have had an Additional Licence. We are working with this landlord to get the right licence.

You can find out which licence you need and check you have the right one here

The below image can also help:

housing licencing
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Compliance Visits and Inspections

housing inspections

Our teams are out weekly carrying out hundreds of housing inspections and compliance checks at rented properties across the city.

Where we find issues, we always try to sort these informally with the licence holder or landlord. Often giving them a time frame to sort issues before we take more formal action.

We regularly share this type of work on our social media channels, to see what we are doing then follow us by clicking on one of the below -

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NottmRenters Twitter 

Over the next few months we will also be introducing you to the different teams in this newsletter. We will be explaining what they do and showing the work they do to help improve rented properties and put a stop to bad landlords. Next month you will meet the Selective Licencing Compliance Team.

Nottingham Private Rented Assistance Scheme


If you’re thinking about serving notice on your tenant - call NPRAS before you take the next step. They can help you to look at ways of avoiding this costly and disruptive process. 

NPRAS help Landlords to avoid evicting families struggling to keep a roof over their heads. They achieve this by reaching out, negotiating with landlords and working with families to address their difficulties – whether that be setting up support, payment plans or arranging loans to clear rent arrears. 

Contact them as early as possible – even if you haven’t served notice yet but you’re thinking of doing so. Call the NPRAS dedicated landlord line on 0115 8761644 or email

Important Government Covid Updates


The Government has updated their guidance to tenants and landlords during the coronavirus pandemic.

Full guidance here - COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities

Please keep this link to hand, as the Government guidance is updated regularly.

You can read about the latest Government guidance on the Omicron variant here -

Stay Connected

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To get all the latest information, tips, advice and updates from the Safer Housing team, follow us on social media. 

NottmRenters Facebook 

NottmRenters Twitter 

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