Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council
“I want to thank all the landlords and property managers who have worked with us in 2020. We have all been through some of the most testing times seen in recent memories, both within the sector and the country as a whole. The teams at Safer Housing are here to help you, to offer support and information where we can.
We want to continue to work with you to improve the industry standards and improve housing in the rented sector in Nottingham. Let’s continue these partnerships into 2021.
Pete Mitchell, Head of Safer Housing
The Government guidance for landlords and tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic is changing and updating weekly.
As you know we are currently in a national lockdown. You can see the national rules HERE.
You can find the latest advice for the private rented sector HERE.
The most recent changes to evictions or repossession cases can be found HERE.
Please keep these links to hand, as the Government guidance is updated regularly
We wanted to update you on some of the work the Safer Housing Team are doing, by sharing our 2020 statistics with you. These run from January to December 2020 and includes licensing numbers and enforcement figures.
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the way we pursued enforcement action was altered to fit with the Government guidance to be pragmatic and also the closure of the courts affected some of our enforcement work.
HMO Additional and Mandatory
For HMO Licensing, which is Additional and Mandatory Licencing, the team received 1,525 Applications and issued 1,167 Draft Licences and 1,008 Final Licences
Selective Licensing
For selective licencing, the team received 2,777 new applications over the last year and issued 11,937 Draft Licences and 15,188 Final Licences.
Overall, since the scheme launched in 2018, the team has received 24,069 applications, issued 20,079 draft licences and 16,962 final licences.
The team sent out 1,830 Letters and Legal Notices, there were 102 formal written warnings issued as an alternative to CPNs and prosecution. Our officers issues 18 notice of Intent to issue CPN and 18 Penalty Notices were Issued. Due to the closure of the courts, we have two prosecutions - two offences of failure to licence under the Selective Licensing scheme, fine including costs of £2,217.73. Properties included significant disrepair.
Landlords and Managing Agents asked for us to create a web page that include the enforcement action we have carried out.
Please note that this page is currently just the CPNs issued and prosecution results for the last few years. This does not include all the other enforcement and compliance work we do.
We are now working to pull that information together so you can see all the great work we have done to help improve properties in Nottingham.
You can see the current enforcement web page HERE.
December and January is a busy time for our enforcement and legal team as we took a number of landlords and management companies to court over a series of offences – all them include homes in disrepair. You can see these court cases below.
A landlord, who breached a court order not to harass or evict his tenants has been jailed. Full story can be found here.
A Property Management company has been sentenced for not ensuring a house in multiple occupation - occupied by six tenants was safe and well managed. Full story can be found here.
A landlord has been ordered to pay nearly £4k after being found guilty of failing to licence properties under the Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes. Full story can be found here.
We have recently held the Landlord Liaison Group meeting
You can see the agenda, minutes and actions from the landlords meeting under the January section on this link.
Dates for the next landlord and Managing Agents Liaison Group meetings will be released shortly.
To get all the latest information, tips, advice and updates from the Safer Housing team, follow us on social media.
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