Nottingham Landlord News August 2020

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Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council

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COVDI-19 updates for landlords


The Government are updating their guidance regularly as we slowly ease out of lockdown. There is some information and changes to areas like doing work and maintaining your property during coronavirus.

You can read the latest guidance here.

It’s also worth noting that the eviction ban comes to an end on the 23 August, although things won’t go back to normal.

The Government has announced a series of new rules in order for landlords to get eviction notices and they say that only the most “severe cases of rent arrears” are going to take priority at first.

You can read about the rule changes here.

Remember it is still illegal to evict someone from their property, even after the 23 August if you don’t follow official protocol.

However, if you are having issues with tenants then please let us know. We are here to help you. Just email -

Do you know what to do it someone in your HMO gets COVID?

The Government has created specific guidance for those living in or owning HMOs during COVID-19.

This includes what to do if one tenant gets the virus.

We would suggest that you send on the below advice to your tenants too. 

You can read all the advice, rules and guidance here.

How to contact us during COVID-19

Whilst parts of the economy have reopened, there are currently no changes to the way we are working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Safer Housing and Licensing Teams are still working from home.

We still have a legal obligation to licence properties, stop illegal evictions and work to make sure that standards are maintained in properties – the way we do some of these has just changed.  The way you contact us has also changed, find out the best way to get in touch here.

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Landlord and managing agents Liaison groups

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The first Managing Agents Liaison Group meeting has now taken place. We met with the Managing Agents over a Team’s meeting earlier this month (July).

The aim was to bring together Agents to help us improve our services and to understand how we can work together to improve the private rented sector.

The first meeting was a success and we had some great feedback and suggestions from Agents.

You can see the agenda, minutes and actions from the Agents meeting under the July section on this link.

Next steps is to host the Landlord event, which should be held in August or early September depending on school holidays. 

£500 offer from Warm Homes Hub

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Could you be eligible for 1st time central heating for just £500?

Landlords can apply for the Warm Homes Offer and get 1st time gas central heating and/or insulation measures at a heavily discounted price, with just a £500 contribution towards the work.

You are eligible if –

  • your property is heated by portable space heaters such as: solid fuel fire, electric storage heater, electric panel heaters, gas room heaters or a gas fire

You can apply for the scheme, get further details and talk to the time on the website.

Industry updates and stories of note

A judge has ruled that blanket bans on renting properties to people on housing benefit are unlawful and discriminatory.

The court ruling found a single mother-of-two had experienced indirect discrimination when a letting agent refused to rent to her. The judge ruled "No DSS" rental bans are against equality laws.

Read more on this story here

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